Grow Your Business With Podcasting: Download Your FREE PDF e-Guide...
Profit From Podcasting:
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Learn how to connect authentically and emotionally with your true tribe in alignment with your highest purpose.
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You'll Learn These 7 Powerful Podcast Principles:
1. Know Your "why"
The most successful podcasts have a mission that resonates deeply with those they most want to attract...

2. Understand your tribe
Podcasters succeed when they know exactly whom they are talking to when they turn on the microphone...

3. Co-Create with your community
The best content is conversation... plus, you'll find out how we can enjoy constructive feedback.
When you can catalyze connections between people... you create exponential value.
5. Walk your talk
Authenticity is everything in marketing these days...and also in Podcasting!
Authenticity builds trust...and trust can influence success in sales.
What would it mean if a mega-influencer in your space suddenly posted to his or her 100,000+ followers how amazing you are?
The beauty of podcasting is also that it can evolve into a powerful content creation engine. The key to this is the repurposing of content....
You'll Learn These 7 Powerful Podcast Principles:
1. Know Your "why"
The most successful podcasts have a mission that resonates deeply with those they most want to attract...
2. Understand your tribe
Podcasters succeed when they know exactly whom they are talking to when they turn on the microphone...
3. Co-Create with your community
The best content is conversation plus you'll enjoy constructive feedback...
When you can catalyze connections between people you are creating exponential value.
5. Walk your talk
Authenticity is everything in marketing these days, so too with Podcasting! Authenticity builds trust and trust can lead to sales influence...
What would it mean if a mega-influencer in your space suddenly posted to his or her 100,000+ followers how amazing you are?
The beauty of podcasting is also that it can evolve into a powerful content creation engine. The key to this is the repurposing of content....
Meet Your Expert: Melinda Wittstock
Melinda is a 4-time serial entrepreneur and acclaimed podcaster. Her Wings of Inspired Business is one of Entrepreneur Magazine's TOP 20 PODCASTS for 2020. 

Melinda offers Podcasting Intensives for qualified business owners and thought leaders who want a “Done For You” podcasting solution – from creation and production to content repurposing and more – with a monetization strategy that grows your business and furthers the social impact you desire. Melinda also works with podcasters to grow and monetize their communities.

Melinda’s podcast Wings of Inspired Business was named as one of the top podcasts of 2020 by Entrepreneur magazine.

Meet Your Expert: 
Melinda Wittstock
Melinda offers Podcasting Intensives for qualified business owners and thought leaders who want a “Done For You” podcasting solution – from creation and production to content repurposing and more – with a monetization strategy that grows your business and furthers the social impact you desire.

Melinda also works with podcasters to grow and monetize their communities.

Melinda's podcast Wings of Inspired Business was named as one of the 2020's top podcasts.

Subscribe to Melinda's Podcast 

Wings of Inspired Business affirms and acclaims the female entrepreneurial journey and provides a roadmap for women to grow great companies without tradeoff, guilt, or apology. Women who've  "been there, built that" with 7, 8, 9 and 10-figure businesses share their secrets of success, "fail forward" moments, inspirations and practical tips on all aspects of business. Conversational, intimate and lively, Wings draws host Melinda’s unique insights from growing 4 media-tech businesses to 7- and 8-figure success, and focuses where personal and business growth meet. Her mission is to inspire women to #LiftAsWeClimb, catalyzing a growing community where women in business mentor, support, promote, buy from, and invest in other women. Almost 500 episodes along in 2 years, Wings now reaches an audience of more than 1 million, with consistent 5-star reviews. Entrepreneur Magazine named it #8 of 20 podcasts that will "help you grow in 2020".

© 2019 Profit From Podcasting | Melinda Wittstock, CEO Wings Media LLC | All Rights Reserved
© 2019 Profit From Podcasting
Melinda Wittstock, CEO Wings Media LLC
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