116 Inspiration in Adversity, Strength in Vulnerability, and Why It’s Easier to Play Big

JJ Virgin knows from personal experience that the most inspirational leaders and entrepreneurs are those who went through hard times and came out stronger. JJ wants to make 1 billion people healthy, and she’s built health juggernaut around her Virgin Diet and coaching program for health entrepreneurs – and it could have been very different. When her son Grant was near death after a hit-and-run, JJ pushed through with tenacity, learning in that devastating moment and in the days after the accident that there is strength in vulnerability.

Melinda Wittstock:         JJ, welcome to Wings!

JJ Virgin:                              Thank you. Great to be here!

Melinda Wittstock:         It is so good that you’re flying with us today. Many of our listeners know your work very well, and they know your story very well about the hit-and-run that almost took your son’s life and how you in that moment stepped up. It’s an incredible, inspiring thing. You do this long enough, this entrepreneur thing, and you certainly learn fast that there is growth and opportunity in those toughest times.

When you’re working with all the health entrepreneurs in particular that you help and counsel, how do you get them through those moments? A lot of people get stuck there.

JJ Virgin:                              It’s interesting.

Melinda Wittstock:         It does.

JJ Virgin:                              [crosstalk 00:01:15]

Melinda Wittstock:         With reliability. Oh, my goodness.

JJ Virgin:                              With reliability. Here’s the thing, Melinda. I can’t think of one time in life where things were going awesome, and I went, “It was such an amazing, fabulous day today, and I personally grew so much.”

Melinda Wittstock:         Yeah.

JJ Virgin:                              Never, never did that happen, but the challenge there is, yes, if you look at the people who are the most successful out there, they didn’t get hit with the lucky stick. We know that. They are the people who have gone through the most difficult challenges, and they’ve used them to become more resilient. They’re bold. They’re brave. They’re what I call the warrior. I call them warrior moms because I’m a mom.

They just show up brighter, stronger, bolder, and they don’t let these things paralyze them and scare them. But the challenges with that is the tools you need to be able to continue to step up, you want to have them in place before something like your son getting run down by a car and left for dead in the street happen. That’s not the time to go, “Okay, time to build my resilience,” right?

Melinda Wittstock:         Right.

JJ Virgin:                              It’s not the time. I was just fortunate when I was 30, and I still remember this conversation. I had a personal training client who was a total unicorn. She’d grown up in a trailer park in Kansas, and she was a multimillionaire, self-made, single woman, living on the beach in a multimillion-dollar house in Boca Raton on a strip called Millionaire Mile. We’re walking down her beach, and I’m her personal trainer.

She says to me, “So what are you going to do when you graduate from grad school?” I said, “I’m going to go …” She goes, “First of all, why are you in grad school?” I said, “I want to help more people. I want to have a bigger impact.” She goes, “Huh. All right. What are you going to do when you graduate?” I said, “I’m going to go to doctoral school.” Now, at the time, I think I was in grad school number six. I had 40 classes, blah, blah, blah.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, man. As women, we always put all these obstacles in front of ourselves.

JJ Virgin:                              Oh, I know. I must learn more.

Melinda Wittstock:         Overly credentialed. Is it procrastination? Is it kind of something where we think we have to-

JJ Virgin:                              It’s more an imposter syndrome. I mean I had like-

Melinda Wittstock:         Right.

JJ Virgin:                              Ali Brown called me on the imposter syndrome. She said, “That doesn’t actually do that.” It was like, “What? You mean that’s not how you get to be more successful, more schooling?” She goes, “No.” This is a gal who graduated high school.

Melinda Wittstock:         Right.

JJ Virgin:                              “I’ll teach you if you want to learn.” I’m looking at her, going, “Are you kidding?” I literally, Melinda, I sold my personal training business. I moved into her house, and it was my Mr. Miyagi. I’m like, “All right, I’m ready.” Here’s what’s so hilarious when you brought that up. She started this whole thing. Okay, so here I am in her house. Now, I go all in. I’ve given up everything, so I’d better learn how to become successful in business, right?

The first thing she does is have me put a rubber band around my wrist. Every time something bad, a bad thought, a negative thought, a limiting belief comes up, I’m supposed to snap my wrist.

Melinda Wittstock:         Ah.

JJ Virgin:                              I’m thinking, “I need to learn how to make money. What are you doing? Why are we doing this?” She starts there, and then she has me write down a list of everything that I’ve ever wanted, everything. She says, “Don’t make it small, just everything you can think of.” I remember I wrote down I wanted a Jaguar. I wanted a house in Maui. She’s like, “Well, why just one Jaguar?” I’m like, “Well, I don’t need two cars.” She goes, “I didn’t tell you to write down what you needed.”

Melinda Wittstock:         What you wanted.

JJ Virgin:                              Right. She goes, “Why just one house in Maui?” I’m like, “What would I need two houses for?” She goes, “Well, why not Maui?”

Melinda Wittstock:         Right.

JJ Virgin:                              Right. I’m like, “What?”

Melinda Wittstock:         Well, we limit … I mean I think where you’re going with this is we limit ourselves in so many different ways unnecessarily.

JJ Virgin:                              Yes, and we don’t even realize it. While those things sound crazy, it’s an exercise in just expanding what you believe is possible because I truly believe … and it was how I helped my son survive the ‘unsurvivable’. I mean he was not even supposed to be able to make it through the night, and I literally stood there, held his hand, and said, “Grant, you’re going to be 110%, honey. You’re going to be stronger than you were before.”

I figured, “You know what? If we only make it to 80%, we win. Let’s just go for this.” I’d rather go for 110%, which isn’t even possible, and fall to 90 than just listen to the doctors and have him die here, which is what they told us was going to happen.

Melinda Wittstock:         In those moments … everybody has them in their lives, right? They are the moments where we grow, especially when we’re getting out of our comfort zones. Yet, so many people live lives of kind of an unspoken or a hidden fear. They’re afraid of things they don’t even know they’re afraid of, and it shows up in living a life of should’s or somebody else’s life, not their own. All too often, people are completely oblivious or unconscious of this.

How do you people wake up?

JJ Virgin:                              Here’s the easiest way to deal with that, that I’ve found, is to me it’s purely a reframe. What if actually it’s awesome to be afraid? The saying, which I keep thinking about because it’s on all the Lulu bags, is, “Do one thing a day that scares you.” What if you’re not being afraid is a problem? To me, I look at life, and I know when I get to a point that something is not scaring me; then I’m playing small again.

Then I am not expanding my horizons, getting out of my comfort zone. My thing that I use with being in a coaching program, a mastermind with a bunch of health entrepreneurs, is I teach them to be afraid, to face that fear, to step through it, that it’s critical, and that if you’re not afraid, you’re playing small.

Melinda Wittstock:         Yeah, that’s very interesting in business because so many women launch small businesses or nonprofits, not that there’s anything wrong with a small business or a nonprofit or a lifestyle business, but I wonder to what extent they’re inadvertently limiting themselves when they could be going for some big Naveen Jain style big moonshot, right?

JJ Virgin:                              Yes. We actually had Naveen come and speak at our Mindshare event because I wanted people to think bigger. I remember early on hearing, and it’s true, it’s actually easier to go for big than to play small. There’s so much competition when you’re playing small.

[tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”] All we really want in life, it’s all so simple, is to be loved. That’s it. But you’ve got to start with loving you. That’s where it goes. That is the biggest challenge out there, I think, is that whole idea of loving yourself, self-worth. #WingsPodcast #WomeninBusiness @JJVirgin[/tweet_box]

Melinda Wittstock:         Yeah, because everybody is there.

JJ Virgin:                              Yeah.

Melinda Wittstock:         When you go for these big moonshots, right, it’s a big why. It’s a big mission that other people get invested in, especially when you’re very clear about what your vision is. I really want … like with this podcast, one of my missions is to create an ecosystem where women really invest in each other and really lift each other up and encourage each other, write checks for each other if we need to, for these big, scalable moonshot businesses, and just being really clear, stepping up there, and just going for it.

JJ Virgin:                              Exactly. It’s like the world does not need us to be playing small right now.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, no. It’s like not that there aren’t enough problems to go solve. I mean one of my entrepreneur groups, Maverick; we were supposed to go to Puerto Rico for our annual summit, and the hurricane happened, of course. It’s only very recently that the islands even got part of its power back, but we decided to go anyway and just kind of give forward and help. Speaking of adversity, you have all these businesses, these entrepreneurs who haven’t had electricity for two months.

JJ Virgin:                              I saw you guys there. I saw the picture because I was actually … there were a group of us that were all going down to visit because we were all moving there.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, are you doing the tax thing because there’s this really cool … the Rule 20?

JJ Virgin:                              We were all going to go there. We got dialed in with Mark Wade and Krista Burns. We were like, “Oh, yeah, let’s do this.” Then that thing hit. A couple of my friends are still going down. I’m like, “Guys.” I don’t think I’d move there at the present moment, but it’s definitely something … you brought up something I think is super important, is how do we build our businesses, not only to think big, but also to think big and pay it forward?

That, in a way, may help some women who are thinking, “Oh, my gosh.” They’re feeling like they can’t play big. What if playing big was helping you change the world and help other people in that … like even I just got married a couple months ago, and we built our entire wedding weekend around my girlfriend Vivian Glyck’s Just Like My Child Foundation. I needed a fundraiser that happened to have a wedding in the middle of it.

Mary Morrissey did a wedding ceremony for us in the middle of this that was stunning, but the whole thing was really built as a masterminding, networking, fundraising event for Just Like My Child. I believe that we can look for opportunities in everything we do as we’re building our business, not to give back because I don’t believe we need to give back. In the words of Dan Sullivan, one of my coaches, I believe as entrepreneurs we’re giving more than most anyway.

We’re bringing new ideas out in the world. We’re making massive changes. We’re employing people. I think that we can also put into that model giving forward. I love that I just saw Maverick go into Puerto Rico and see what was going on and help, to go anyway and go, “Okay, now what can we do to help?” That was so cool.

Melinda Wittstock:         Well, you know what was really remarkable about it … I mean you talk a lot about authenticity and vulnerability, that there’s this real strength in that, and of course, there was because in hearing all these stories of the entrepreneurs and them speaking very honestly, transparently, about what they were going through, it gave permission for everybody in Maverick, men and women alike, to really share those down moments and find strength and resilience and support in those.

As a group, I think we were all so inspired, I think by each other’s “oh, shit” moments in our lives. I mean really. I think we all grew as individuals and a group that day. It was nice.

JJ Virgin:                              Wasn’t Richard Branson down there? Was he?

Melinda Wittstock:         Yeah, he popped in. It was really funny. He literally … he knew we were there. He was in the Bahamas, and he decided to just kind of fly over to San Juan and kept people on the plane, and he came and visited with us for a little bit. We shared with him what we were up to, what we were doing. He gave us a really nice talk, hung out for a little bit, and then he went back to his plane. It was awesome.

JJ Virgin:                              See, there’s someone who is a just give forward guy, too. How cool is that?

Melinda Wittstock:         Yes, and that’s it. I love when you say give forward because so many people have these really weird attitudes about money. They can’t hang onto it because they think they don’t deserve it or they can’t attract it or they’ve got all kinds of old limiting beliefs about money. I think the give back, this idea that we somehow don’t deserve what we create as entrepreneurs when entrepreneurs are creating value and creating so much … really solving problems for other people, creating so much value, so give forward is a great way of saying it.

JJ Virgin:                              Hey, here’s how we live as entrepreneurs. We risk every day. It’s like every single person who is an entrepreneur has had that moment where they go, “Can I make payroll?”

Melinda Wittstock:         Yes.

JJ Virgin:                              “I guess I’m not paying myself.” I mean I’ve had a business where I couldn’t take a paycheck for a year. I paid everybody else. I gave them bonuses. We all have those times. I don’t know any entrepreneur who hasn’t gone through those things.

Melinda Wittstock:         It’s impossible not to because I think we talk a lot … what’s interesting as entrepreneurs is we do talk a lot about our successes because that’s easy to talk about, and I think that’s what a lot of people see. But very rarely do we share those kind of heart-stopping moments, and I think we all have them. I’m one of these serial entrepreneurs, on to business number four. Every business is slightly different.

There are so many things that happen beyond your control, so it gets back to this resilience muscle, I guess, you have to develop or you develop on the journey that gets you through those things. Like a question for you, when you’re in the middle of that, like for all our listeners, where you feel like, “Oh, my God,” just overwhelm, or “This is an impossible situation,” and you can’t see your way out of some sort of crisis in your business, what’s the thing to do to get back in that moment, claim your confidence back, and just keep going, just keep going through those periods?

JJ Virgin:                              I think Simon Sinek is a badass on this stuff. I think that when we get so darn clear on our why … so TED Talk, Start With Why.

Melinda Wittstock:         Yes.

JJ Virgin:                              When you are so clear on your why, when you have that through line, that through line that’s really a moonshot … like I know the through line for both of my businesses is I’m going to help a billion people get healthy. I know that in my consumer business, hey, I need some help, so the best way to do that was to launch another business where I help health entrepreneurs get their message out big into the world. It’s fairly easy to hit a billion people that way.

When it gets hard, when there’s competition, when there’s … it’s like, but I’ve got my through line and my why to keep me going. I know that when my son was in the hospital, I literally launched a New York Times bestseller bedside with my son in a coma hovering between life and death, and I remember Ali sends me a text.

She goes, “All right, so you had to do this. You couldn’t just launch a New York Times bestseller. You were going to launch a New York Times bestseller bedside with your son in a coma.” Right? You’re just [inaudible 00:15:42]. But here’s the thing. I think that my book … it was on the list for 26 weeks.

Melinda Wittstock:         Wow.

JJ Virgin:                              I think the reason is because my son was in a coma. Bedside, I’m working on this, going, “I’m going to get this kid anything he needs to be 110%, whatever it takes.” You know what that’s going to take? Success, because I can’t get him what he needs if I can’t pay for it. No one is going to help me. I’m the sole supporter of this kid, and this thing better go big. My why would not allow me to fail. Failure, first off, I have never been afraid of failure.

I’ve had some big fireballs of failure, and I always share them publicly because I think it helps a lot of other people first of all not be afraid to fail, but also not to do the dumb thing I did.

Melinda Wittstock:         Yeah. Yeah.

JJ Virgin:                              However, I also think we’ve got to get ourselves into a position … and I was in such a position there. There was no … I could not fail. I did not have the … and so I made the uncomfortable phone calls. I asked for help in places that I just never would have before. I did what I had to do to make that darn thing go big.

Melinda Wittstock:         Something that you just said there, “I asked for help.” There’s a lot of women who struggle with that. We have this gene or something. I joke that it’s the hostess gene, that we’re walking around balancing drink trays, everybody else ahead of us, which is a lovely thing on some level, but it’s not so much if you can’t ask for the help that you need or get out of the comfort zone or if you can’t hire fast enough to be able to scale a business. What do you think is at the root of that for women? Why is that so hard, to ask for help?

JJ Virgin:                              It is a little bit of that whole martyr thing, which I find just ick, I must say, but I had it, too. I was helping everybody else, but I wouldn’t accept any help until my son’s life was on the line, and then, damn, I asked for a lot of help. It made me really shift my perspective. First of all, I realized my book was way bigger than I thought it was because I realized for so many people, if they weren’t healthy, they wouldn’t have been able to pull off what I pulled off.

We can’t wait to start tomorrow, which is what everybody does. Tomorrow never happens. The other part of that is I feel like especially as women, we’re so used to putting everybody else’s needs in front of ours. We’re collaborative and community nature … by nature, we’re community people, right?

Melinda Wittstock:         Mm-hmm (affirmative).

JJ Virgin:                              We’re not the lone ranger going out to hunt and come back. We go out. We’re a community. We tend to think our kids come first, our husband and our job, everything else, and then we’re at the last of the list. Quite often, we don’t even make the first part of the list at all. Part of what I’m really working on now is I actually have changed the name of my Miracle Mindset book to Warrior Mom, with the through line that it’s really about creating brave, bold resilience.

That means to do that, you have to have a me-first attitude, which sounds selfish, but it’s actually selfless because if you think about, how do you help your kids be healthy? How do you help your employees thrive? If you’re telling your employees, “Oh, you know what, you should take some time out each day to meditate, or you should make sure you stay healthy,” and you’re a mess, they’re going to look at you and go, “Yeah, right.” Same with your kids: It’s like the saying, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Yeah.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, yeah.

JJ Virgin:                              Be it. You cannot be the change you want to see in the world by putting yourself last. It is the put the action mask on yourself; You must take care of yourself. If you want to have a better world, start with you. We look at all the other people we can help, but we women are the worst at like, “I can fix him,” right?

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, no. Oh, that’s a disaster.

JJ Virgin:                              Right?

Melinda Wittstock:         That’s like that-

JJ Virgin:                              See how that works. Yeah, that works. Not.

Melinda Wittstock:         You know what? I have this theory. I have this theory, actually, that women do that often in relationships. If you don’t value yourself, you don’t go for the partner that you truly want. You end up settling and for a fixer-upper. I have this theory that sometimes women do that in business as well, like they get fixer-upper clients or fixer-upper investors. It’s not really the right person. Things are out of alignment.

Of course, things can’t really get into flow or really work if you’re out of alignment, and it all comes back to, do we love ourselves? Do we value ourselves? Do we respect ourselves? That kernel, is that earned, or is that something that some people have, more of that gene, than others? Or what’s your perspective on that, on how we can get into the really, really, truly loving and valuing ourselves?

JJ Virgin:                              Well, it’s interesting. From a kind of different perspective, but it’s absolutely … the way you do one thing is the way you do everything, right? When I queried my consumer list about why they weren’t where they wanted to be in their health, I said, “So why aren’t you … if you’re not there, why?” I figured, Melinda, they’d say, “Oh, you know, it’s because I can’t quit the sugar. I can’t stop my cheese,” or whatever. I figured it would be one of those things. The reality was, they said, “I don’t feel worthy. I don’t feel good enough.”

Melinda Wittstock:         Yeah. Oh, my goodness. That’s the root, really, of everything.

JJ Virgin:                              It is at the root of everything when you get down to all of it. All we really want in life, it’s all so simple, is to be loved. That’s it. But you’ve got to start with loving you. That’s where it goes. That is the biggest challenge out there, I think, is that whole idea of loving yourself, self-worth. When you get that, you realize that it’s selfless to put yourself first because then you’re really able to show up in the world and do what you need to do.

When my son was in the hospital that first night, I remember standing there looking at my son, we didn’t know if he’d make it through the night, thinking about what I had to do, and thinking, “How am I going to pull this off?” I looked at that. I went, “My son is going to be 110%. This book has to be bigger than ever. How am I going to pull this off?” It was like a lightning bolt moment of, “I’m going to pull this off by putting myself first. I will make sure I will take perfect care of myself. I’ll make sure I …”

I just set it up, and I decided it was automate, delegate, delete. “What in my life do I not need to do?” Guess what? Most of what we do every day is completely we don’t need to be doing it. Probably, no one needs to be doing it at all. If we don’t need to be doing it, maybe we need to either automate it or delegate it. I got rid of so much crap. It’s incredible. It was the holidays. I went, “Do I really to send holiday cards?” The answer is, “No, don’t need to do that.”

So, amazing how much stuff we could get rid of, but that was the big turning moment for me. My son would not be alive today had I not made that decision. For everybody feeling like the martyr, that they’re taking care of everybody else, you’re actually not. You can actually take care of everybody else the best, and when I say this, I don’t mean by going out shoe shopping and getting your nails done.

I’m talking about your basic health, your basic self-worth, your stress management, all the stuff you need to do to be emotionally and physically healthy.

Melinda Wittstock:         We talked about self-love. Was there a moment and time where you suddenly had this aha moment of learning to truly love yourself? Or on your journey, was it like most people? Did you go through this period of maybe not and coming into that, learning through entrepreneurship?

JJ Virgin:                              Oh, my God, there are so many things that I learned through this. It was interesting at first, Melinda, because what I kept doing first was I kept thinking that everything would be fine when, when I hit this next thing, when I do this next book. Then I’ll be happy. Then life will be good. You know what? It never happened.

Melinda Wittstock:         Right.

JJ Virgin:                              It never changed anything. I remember Ali early on saying, “When you get bigger, it’s just more zeros.” I was like, “Wow, this is not changing anything in my life. I’m not feeling more loved. I don’t feel better about myself. There’s nothing different.” Then after that, I got into a relationship that just … I knew I needed to go through it. I knew it was going to be a turning point. It just broke me.

It was someone who isn’t even attracted … like I’m a six-foot tall, fit blonde. He likes curvy brunettes. What the hell? Seriously, what the hell? I remember thinking … I would always date men that either I would never fall in love with or who would never fall in love with me, mainly the first. I’m looking, going, “This guy is unattainable for me.” The reality is, I didn’t even want him. I just wanted to attain him. You know what I mean?

Melinda Wittstock:         Ah.

JJ Virgin:                              But he just broke me. I remember looking at this whole thing, going, “I will never go through something like this again because I love myself, and I’m going to find someone who loves me for everything I am.” Right after that, I met my now husband. Our third date, he said, when I asked him what he was looking for … because I was like, “I’m not messing around anymore. If this guy tells me he’s looking for a curvy brunette, I’m out.”

So I’m like, “So what are you looking for?” He goes, “I’ve been looking for you. You are who I’m looking for.” Then, Melinda, I go, “Well, let me tell you about me.”

Melinda Wittstock:         See, that’s awesome. Right?

JJ Virgin:                              I told him everything. I told him how much I work. I told him what my drives were. I told him every single thing. I was pulling back the kimono. It was funny. My girlfriend Lisa Sasevich was like, “Maybe you can just stop talking about that now. Just let it be, JJ.” He said, “You’re not scaring me away. The only thing that’s doing is drawing you closer to me.”

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, that’s beautiful. I mean like you, I went through a marriage, actually, with someone who was wrong. If there was one thing that ever broke me, at least for a time, it was that because it had such an impact on my confidence and my business and sort of everything, without going into the sorry details. He invested a lot of time trying to keep me down, and it happened-

JJ Virgin:                              Yeah. Well, I’ve been around those ones, too. Yeah.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, man, and it happened so slowly, and so slowly that you don’t even realize-

JJ Virgin:                              Yeah, [crosstalk 00:25:52] you’re crazy.

Melinda Wittstock:         Right. Exactly. Then to come back from that … but again, I look on it like you do in the sense that I was meant to do that because you have now … you come out of it with an understanding about-

JJ Virgin:                              It’s just research and training.

Melinda Wittstock:         It is research. Isn’t your life like a lab? Do you ever feel like that, like your whole life …

JJ Virgin:                              But you can look at it that way, if you look at it as a mistake and what a waste of time. What if you looked at it and went, “I am so much better because of that …”

Melinda Wittstock:         Ah, yes.

JJ Virgin:                              “… moment in time.” This guy was a good guy. I said, “This is important. I have to go through this. It’s all fine.” I look at all these things, and Dan Sullivan talks about this. He goes, “It’s not a waste. It’s research. That’s all it is.”

Melinda Wittstock:         Exactly.

JJ Virgin:                              [crosstalk 00:26:38] these things. It’s a waste if you do it over and over again, and when I kind of looked at all that years ago and went, “Oh, I’m dating the same kind of guy over and over again. I’m the common factor. Perhaps I should figure this one out.” I went to Alison Armstrong’s training programs for women. Oh, my gosh, best thing ever. Broke that piece.

Melinda Wittstock:         That’s wonderful, where we get in our own way with these things. Just to leave … because I know you’re super, super busy. You’re scheduled within an inch of your life. What would be three pieces of advice, your top go-to for women who are coming into … in their 20s, and they’re coming into entrepreneurship, or they’re a little bit older, middle-aged, and they’re reinventing themselves as entrepreneurs. What would be your top three go-to pieces of advice for those women?

[tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”] Get a coach. That was my biggest turning point in my life, was to get a coach and to be involved in a group of like-minded people, and hopefully, never be the smartest person in the room, right? #WingsPodcast #WomeninBusiness @jjvirgin[/tweet_box]

JJ Virgin:                              Get a coach. That was my biggest turning point in my life, was to get a coach and to be involved in a group of like-minded people, and hopefully, never be the smartest person in the room, right?

Melinda Wittstock:         Yes.

JJ Virgin:                              You’ve got a coach. You’re in a group with amazing, smart people where you feel a little bit like, “What the hell am I doing here?” Right?

Melinda Wittstock:         That will break you out of your imposter syndrome, right?

JJ Virgin:                              Oh, yes. Yes, it’s super good. I mean it’s like but then take that fear and go, “This is good.” I always check in. There are two different kinds of fear. There’s that gut one, where you’re like, “I shouldn’t be doing this.” Listen to the gut one. But then there’s that fear of kind of exhilarated, scary adrenaline. That’s the one. Use that one. So mentor, group, fear. Then get into action. My goodness. Just adding that in.

I see people sit back and get … well, especially in my world of health entrepreneurs, all the docs and stuff. You need a medical degree, another certification. I’m like, “Just move.” Just do it. Just get started. You can’t course correct standing still, right?

Melinda Wittstock:         Ah, that’s great. We have so many female entrepreneurs in the life sciences and med tech, femtech spaces actually on the podcast. I mean they’re doing some amazing, innovative things. It’s just like mind-boggling. There’s a woman who can stop your periods for you. There is all kinds of really cool stuff going on in that space.

So if people who are listening, JJ, want to work with you, what’s the best way?

JJ Virgin:                              All right. Well, in the business side, my sole focus, I only work with health entrepreneurs. The easiest place to go right now is to our Mindshare Summit page because if you go there and apply for the summit, we also bring you into our Facebook group, whether you attend the summit or not, and it’s super active, an amazing group of health entrepreneurs.

Then my consumer group, if you go to jjvirgin.com, you can actually get started on my seven-day challenge. It’s all around the Virgin Diet and pulling out seven high food intolerance foods and learning simple swaps for them in seven days. The average person loses seven pounds, but more importantly, they get more focus, better energy, and get rid of a lot of those cravings that keep them in food prison.

Melinda Wittstock:         Yeah. Oh, I like that. Food prison. Yes, indeed. Okay, well, that’s awesome. I’ll just make sure that all of that, everybody listening, is in the show notes so you can find JJ. JJ, thank you so much for a lovely conversation, putting your wings on and flying with us today!

JJ Virgin:                              My pleasure. Thanks for including me.




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