376 Beth Bell: Flower Power

What makes a successful corporate marketing executive leave behind all those $500 high heels and her perfect sky rise apartment? What would make you make the leap?


I’m Melinda Wittstock and today on Wings of Inspired Business we meet an inspiring entrepreneur who found her dharma when heartbreak led her on a journey to heal her heart.

Beth Bell went to Bali for a few months and stayed for five and a half years … and is now back in the U.S. with a mission to pollinate the planet … with love.

She recently launched her “Pollinating Love Mudra” to assist humanity in giving and receiving unconditional love. It’s a simple, yet sacred mudra to re-connect to our higher selves, others and strengthen community.

We’re going to hear about Beth’s entrepreneurial journey, how she became a “flower whisperer” and what it means to lead with your heart.

And don’t forget this luxurious retreat comes with a year-long transformational mastermind … and our community is brimming with top influencers whose insights you won’t want to miss. Wingsexperiences.com/apply

For 15 years she worked at the top echelons of corporate marketing. Yet it was a hobby that led her to her true soul purpose: It was a passion for observational flower photography and it led her to a stunning realization.

Beth has a unique gift for channeling messages from Flowers. And now she harnesses the power of Mother Nature to re-connect with the inner wisdom that lies within each of us. She calls herself the “flower whisperer” and her inspirational jewelry line, empowering radio & TV show, and the 4 Life Lessons she learned from flowers in her book “Flower Power 4 Pure Love” provide something for everyone to harness their inner wisdom to blossom all their desires.

She recently launched her “Pollinating Love Mudra” to assist humanity in giving and receiving unconditional love. It’s a simple, yet sacred mudra to re-connect to our higher selves, others and strengthen community.

So are you ready for Beth Bell? I am. Let’s fly!

Melinda Wittstock:       Beth, welcome to Wings.

Beth Bell:                     I’m happy to be here.

Melinda Wittstock:       I am happy to have you here! I’m trying to go back in time with you a little bit. That moment where you got the luxury high-rise apartment, you’ve ticked all the boxes. You have the beautiful high heels, you have all the things that you think you’re supposed to have, and you leave it all behind. What was the spark to make you take this leap into entrepreneurship?

Beth Bell:                     Well, you know, I kind of always knew that there was something inside of me burning. And I actually loved what I did. I mean, there’s always an element of sort of burnout in corporate America, but I didn’t feel like that’s what was happening for me. I felt like my soul was getting louder and louder, and I needed to listen. And so I actually took one jump prior to my final big jump, and I took nine months and traveled the world, and did a lot of work, and a lot of deep digging into myself. Ended up going back into my corporate life, so when I made the second jump, I kind of knew that that was coming. Like, I really knew my mission was pollinating the planet with [inaudible 00:07:17] love.

But that was just a complete dichotomy from what I was doing in my corporate life. I was based in Singapore. I was covering all of Asia Pacific, marketing strategy for women’s health. So to jump from that to pollinating the planet with love, it’s kind of a big jump. But I have to admit, and it take me a while actually to admit this, that I actually got catapulted out in a really fabulous way through love, which ended up in the biggest heartbreak that I could have ever imagined. And that landed me in Bali. I thought I was going to be there for three months. I stayed five and a half years. Built my business. Lived life in this magical way, and everything kind of blossomed from there.

Melinda Wittstock:       Isn’t it interesting that sometimes the hardest things that happen, like the heartbreaks, or business reversals or just bad stuff, you know? Stuff that goes wrong in our lives are actually those moments that transformation can really occur. Like, some of us have to have, like really, it has to get really loud or really deafening or really dramatic for us to make the change! Right? But it’s interesting when you look back at that, and you think, well had that heartbreak not happened, would you have gone down that road? So it was done for you, not to you.

Beth Bell:                     Absolutely. People think I’m crazy when I say I love big heartbreak. Because it’s not that I love to experience it, it’s that I love when we really go into big love, because it’s such creative, juicy energy. And there’s always a huge learning on the other side. So once the heartbreak happens, we’re just in relationships to heal or create, is what I believe. So once you get through the healing part, then you have such a bigger container for all the light to come in, and for everything else to blossom. So yeah, it’s hard when you’re in the middle of it, but I do believe that love and heartbreak are inevitable, and we can make them some of the biggest lessons in life’s journey.

Melinda Wittstock:       I really love this. I mean, so many people, women and men, live these lives that aren’t their own. What I mean by that. They’re lives of “should’s”. You know, when you find yourself saying, oh, I should do this. Or I should do that. Or I should do that. That’s somebody else’s idea for you. And not your own. And getting connected to who we truly are and who we’re meant to be in this world is not necessarily easy for people. There’s a lot of stuff to kind of let go of, or whatever, right?

Beth Bell:                     Yes, absolutely.

Melinda Wittstock:       Talk to me a little bit about your process of that, of kind of letting go. Like, letting go of all the fears, which to me is the opportunity of love. And stepping into that kind of higher love, I guess, vibration, in all aspects of your life.

Beth Bell:                     Well, I guess, for me, you know, I didn’t know what some of my fears were. When I went to Bali, I thought I was going to be there for three months. Stayed five and a half years, and really started developing my product line. Like, I kind of went into it thinking, oh, I’m a great manifester. I can create the products. So I was sort of blinded by the light, if you will. Really in this very magical, I can create, manifest everything I want in my life. But then I realized that I wanted to open a retail store, and then I think the fears started to come in very naturally, because when you actually put a product or a service out there, and it’s your design, and it’s your store. It’s everything that yours, you’re actually putting yourself out there on display. Like, you’re not hiding behind anything.

So I started to realize, wow, I really have to stay grounded in who I am, what I’m doing, why I’m doing it, and how I believe I’m here to help humanity. So I think that kind of came a little bit unexpectedly, just to have myself so on display, because if people liked what I was doing, it was a reflection of me, and if they didn’t like what I was doing, it was a reflection of me. So it was really that place that I had to find to stay balanced about who I am and what I’m doing, and just keep moving forward. So I would say that that was definitely one of them.

I think the other really big shifter for me, which I didn’t know was a fear until it showed up, was I had a customer that came into my store several times, because I think she was in Bali for like a month or something. So she saw me out at a restaurant, she said, “Can I join you?” And I said, “Sure.” Well, she sat down, and she started telling more a bunch of things. She’s like, can I give you some feedback? Sure, sure. And one of the things she told me in that lunch was that she said, “Your stories are so inspirational. And you really need to tell them. You need to blog.” And I was like, “Oh my gosh, no! I’m not blogging. I’m not a blogger. This is not a thing.”

But she stirred my soul. And I couldn’t walk away from that meeting not wondering what that was all about. So whenever I have resistance to something, I always know there’s something to go deeper into. So I left the shop that day, I said, “Ladies, take care of the shop. I’m going home.” I took out my computer, and I said, “What is this blog thing?” And this whole idea came out about how I was going to be doing a show, and it was all about the life journey lessons and pearls of wisdom that you learned along the way. But for me, in my mind, I was like, yes, of course I’m going to be speaking. But it’s going to be the seven habits, the three tips. You know, it’s going to be this organized thing, like not my own personal stories.

So that was another thing I had to get over, was that talking about my own stories is very empowering to other people. It’s not a boasting thing. It’s not, all I could think of, was Kim Kardashian or something, like, oh my gosh. I don’t want to do that. I don’t want to be that. I don’t want to put that out there. So I think overcoming the fear of sharing my own personal stories and struggles was something that I wasn’t expecting to be called to do.

Melinda Wittstock:       It’s so interesting how many women struggle with that. Really stepping into personal brand, that personal branding is not personal bragging.

Beth Bell:                     Yes. Yes!

Melinda Wittstock:       That we really are meant through our unique experiences, because we’re all different, we can arrive at the same conclusions. But our journeys are going to resonate differently with different people, at different times and stages of their lives. So it’s so important to really share these things. Channeling Brené Brown a little bit, to do so vulnerably.

Beth Bell:                     Yeah, yeah. It’s true. And I think we want to look like we have it all together.

Melinda Wittstock:       We do! I know! That’s hilarious! I think it’s really true. I was at this retreat. I’m part of a really amazing mastermind of top performing female entrepreneurs, called Unicorn. And it’s so interesting how that organization has evolved to the point where now we’re getting so much better at taking the masks off. At first, it was like, okay yeah, my life’s perfect, no my life’s perfect. Everybody had, like, yeah, like in a way, like a mask. These are all very successful women, so their lives are great. I mean, all of our lives, actually, are really, really great. But not without challenge, or not without areas where we want to improve or whatever. But it was so wonderful, the level of connection that happens when we can just dare to really, truly be ourselves. And get out of judging ourselves.

Beth Bell:                     Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah.

Melinda Wittstock:       Oh gosh.

Beth Bell:                     And I think the other thing is really about asking for help, right? It is that support system, because I think when you come out of a… For me, when I came out of a big, corporate job, I kind of naturally had a support system that I was within, because I had the resources for it. And when you’re all on your own in the beginning, you’re really trying to figure things out on your own. But you’re not necessarily fully skilled in every single aspect of what you need to do, and all the hats you need to wear, and business. And so I think that was another fear I had to overcome, was asking for help, as basic as it sounds, and I know a lot of people struggle with it.

It did feel like it, like I couldn’t do something. And I didn’t want to show weakness. But once I sort of moved through that, and allowed myself to receive, which is also, I think an interesting thing to talk about, especially with women. Because we often times step so strongly into our masculine energy that we don’t necessarily allow ourselves to be in that feminine, receiving energy, and that’s really where the sweet spot is, is to have that balance and to be able to receive at the same time.

Melinda Wittstock:       Oh, gosh. We have much to give and much to receive. I finally had this epiphany myself about receiving, when I realized how much I love to give. And how pissed you are if you give something to somebody and they reject it. You feel dissed! And so if you flip that around, and you think, well wait a minute, that person really wants to give. There’s nothing wrong with receiving. It’s not greedy. It’s not taking. Like, there’s a difference between taking and receiving.

Beth Bell:                     Right, yes. Yes.

Melinda Wittstock:       You know, for sure. And that’s so interesting what you mentioned about the masculine energy and the feminine energy. This really fascinates me because my own journey, I was often the only woman in the room, my only role models were men. And I was really way into my masculine energy in my 20s and 30s, and kind of into my 40s. And it worked until it didn’t. And then it became a journey about embracing the feminine, and what was the feminine? And then now, really trying to find balance, or an equilibrium between these two energies. And is that kind of true of your transformation as well? How do you see that masculine/feminine balance in all of us in businesses? And how best to leverage it?

Beth Bell:                     Yeah, I think you, everyone, who me, specifically, I mean everyone has to kind of figure out where they’re off balanced, I think, first of all. And it’s not to focus on the off balance, but it’s to recognize where we’re leaning towards, right? And so as a woman, I think, and as someone who grew up in the prairies of North Dakota, where you work hard, be humble, put your nose to the grindstone, you know, get it done. If it’s a success, it’s your fault, if it’s a failure it’s you’re fault. You know, that level of responsibility didn’t really allow me to feel like receiving was okay.

So I personally think there’s a huge spiritual component to it. I mean, I think there’s probably that time when you just really take a time out for yourself, and go deep. And I don’t think that that’s just our typical practices. I think that’s, we go to Bali for a month, and we go on a retreat. For me, honestly, with the last five and a half years that I’ve lived in Bali full time, I look back at it, and I go, oh my gosh, that was just like Earth school university.

In fact, I even as a joke I made a diploma for myself. A triple PhD in patience, communication, and non-duality. Right? And I posted it on my Facebook, and it was a joke. I mean, I clearly had cut and pasted this certificate, this diploma together. But it was amazing how many people said, “Oh my God! If anyone could do it, you could!” And then I realized, oh my goodness, like everyone’s believing that I’ve done this. But in a way, it was great, because I came back, and said, no guys, I was just kidding. But I had to look back and just say, wow.

I learned so much about myself during that time, and I know that not everyone can take five and a half years, move to Bali, start an international company to learn about themselves. But everybody has their own little space, and I think we just have to carve that time out. And sometimes for people it’s a year. For some people it’s a month. But a lot of times we get caught up in this, I don’t have time to take off. And if you don’t take the time off, I know that you know, and probably many of your listeners know that you’re going to get the forced time off. And it’s going to be illness, it’s going to be divorce, it’s going to be something tragic that makes you stop and figure it out.

And I know I went a little bit beyond the masculine feminine [inaudible 00:19:49], but I think that it does require kind of a deep dive into this stuff. You can read books, you can do your meditations, and they’re all great. But I do think there’s an immersion that you have to just stop and go deep.

Melinda Wittstock:       I agree with you so much. I mean, my moment for doing that was going into the Amazon rainforest.

Beth Bell:                     Fun.

Melinda Wittstock:       Such a huge reset. You know, to find yourself in the middle, literally, like in the middle of nowhere, staring up at these millions of millions of stars. Really understanding and seeing the true abundance. And having all these amazing epiphanies about fear, about love, about your true purpose in life, and having that kind of reset, where you just actually have confidence to just stop what you’re doing. And not be a human doing, but be a human being.

Melinda Wittstock:       And so I love this mission, pollinating the planet with love. And I want to understand what the pollinating love mudra is. Tell us all about it.

Beth Bell:                     Yeah. Well, I will. And I want to make one comment on the Amazon rainforest, because I think that’s such an interesting comment. And I’m sure there was a lot of great experiences. Bali, for me, was… I thought I was going there to live in the light, and what I realized is I was going there to understand the dark. So the dark and the light, the yin and the yang, the masculine, the feminine. This whole balance idea.

Now, I’ve been a flower lover. And I started photographing flowers, and over time realized that I was receiving messages from these flowers. Now how this all fits together is what I didn’t realize is the power of Mother Nature, which you experienced in the Amazon, and which I experienced in Bali. I had flowers literally at my feet all day long. I’m outside the majority of the time. My living room is indoor/outdoor. There’s no walls in my living room. So I’m connected to Mother Nature in this most magnificent way. But what it all kind of boils down to is energy. Right? Energy that is sometimes perceived to be outside of us.

But it’s really about the energy inside of us, our source energy. Who we’re connected to, what we’re connected to. Is it the ideas of who we think we are, or is it really to source energy in our soul, and what we’re here to do, and live our life’s purpose. So that all kind of ties in to this mission of pollinating the planet with love. Like, initially I thought, oh, I’m making products that are helping to empower pure love and purpose. And when people live their purpose, then they’re helping to assist in pollinating the planet with love.

Well, that’s true, but I think it’s so much more than that. And it’s connecting with each other, and as I’ve been back in the United States, just recently and in the end of last year. And every time that I come to visit I see this incredible disconnect. And chaos that’s happening. So when I’m here in a house, and all the doors seal, and there’s no crickets, no ducks, nothing from the rice field. There’s this energetic disconnect that I feel. And then I started to realize that wow! Bali’s like this incredible connection, like you would have experienced in the Amazon, to a source of energy that we are part of, right? But a lot of times we sort of get separated.

And so the whole thing now is helping people to reconnect to their own inner wisdom. To reconnect to the source. To reconnect to others. To reconnect to conscious communities. And so now I’m feeling really called beyond my own business to help other conscious businesses make it along the way. And part of that is supporting each other, but a big part of it is getting people really connected to the why’s of what they’re doing, and to their own, what I like to call, divine blueprint. Right? Because I think sometimes people start businesses thinking, I’m just going to make a lot of money. And there’s nothing wrong with that. But at the end of the day, we are as a human, looking to contribute. We’re looking to be part of a community. We’re in it all together.

And so I think the pollinating the planet with love is really about connecting people, again, to their inner wisdom, to others, and to community so that whatever they’re doing is purpose driven, and that they feel like they’re getting something back, not just putting something out. And that’s kind of the downside of a lot of jobs that people are doing today. Is that what they’re getting back is maybe a lot of money, but we know that money in and of itself is not what generates happiness. It’s really the soul’s purpose behind what we’re doing that gives us that strong stake in the ground.

Melinda Wittstock:       That’s so true, Beth. And people do increasingly crave connection and meaning. Are you as inspired as I am? I notice that I’m having more and more conscious conversations than I have ever had. Like, even in a Starbucks line. Wherever. It just seems to be shifting.

Beth Bell:                     Yeah-

Melinda Wittstock:       Faster.

Beth Bell:                     Absolutely. Yeah, I feel like it’s becoming so chaotic, and people are getting just so suffocated with the knowing that they want greater connection that it’s almost inevitable. And if we don’t keep really on the trajectory of connecting the universe, Mother Nature will provide us another catastrophe that will help us reconnect. Because we’re really off the radars now on this disconnect. And you know, being in Bali for five and a half years, everything felt so conscious. Just saying hello to someone, we would look each other in the eye. If we gave someone a hug, we would give them a proper hug. You know, coming back to here to even some of my closest friends, there’s still this fast, hi, how are you? That quick hug, there’s not the connection that we’re really craving, and so that’s how this pollinating love mudra got started, was it can take 20 seconds or less, and it can have this huge impact on people’s lives.

I do a Facebook Live every Saturday at 7 a.m. at Beth Bell live. And I talk a little bit about the mudra. And we do the mudra together so that people can learn it. And today’s topic was all about oxytocin. Because a lot of people, oh, it’s just so woo woo. Well, in a way it is, but it’s not. Because there’s science and data that supports that eye contact alone can help raise oxytocin levels. Eye contact with even our pets can help raise oxytocin levels. And of course, oxytocin is that wonderful cuddle, love hormone, that balances with cortisol. And cortisol, unfortunately, is probably the strong winner in most people. Because it’s the stress hormone, right?

Melinda Wittstock:       Yeah. Everybody’s so stressed. You know, it’s very interesting. There have been studies that when women, in particular, work together, or collaborate together, it releases huge amounts of oxytocin. That we’re actually meant to do that. And you think of our evolution over millions of years. Women were always kind of collaborating together. And then now in business, you see so many women complaining of isolation. And it’s like the exact worst thing to be all heads down, perfectionism, like working on a task list, in your endless to do list. Getting it done, getting it done, getting it done. It gets you really a lot of stress. A lot of cortisol. But not necessarily further in your business. And not leveraging the thing that women are uniquely good at, which is connecting, is relationship.

And we need it. Like, we absolutely need that. So that actually was one of the big epiphanies that I took away from the Amazon rainforest, actually. I eman, there were a few. But that one in particular. And also this connectedness into nature, which is a great segue into your love and appreciation of flowers. And I want you to talk a lot about that. Obviously it’s inherent in the name pollinating, but you call yourself a flower whisperer. What is a flower whisperer.

Beth Bell:                     Yeah, it’s a great question. And I actually got named that. I started photographing flowers. I just was mesmerized by photographing them. Even if I would just be looking at the photos later. And then over time, so I did it for I guess, I would say, fun. But it brought me a lot of peace and joy. And over time, I realized that it was kind of the universe’s way of getting me to meditate. Because it would quiet my mind. And when my mind got quiet, I opened myself up to my higher self, and I was able to download messages that I needed or wanted to hear.

And inspiration and support. And so I started getting messages from flowers. And I like to think about that as just a vibration, and a portal to my higher self. So yeah, I started this photography. And then I started talking about what the flower was telling me. And people kept saying, well, maybe you should do something with that. And I said, well I think that might be a little too much., like for me to be known as the flower whisperer. So I kind of had to ease into this idea of where I had really set my life purpose and journey to be because it wasn’t what I thought I was going to be when I was a little girl.

So the flower whisperer’s really been a lot of fun, and then I realize that being in Bali, the energy of flowers and the energy of Mother Nature as a whole was so influential and so powerful for us to harness. I actually had a guest on my show that was telling me about shamans who would sip the dew off of flowers and leaves so that they could pick up the vibration of the plant. And so then I kind of started jokingly said that I’m also flower sipping, which probably puts it way off the charts. So it was very common, if you saw me in Bali, as I would be walking in the morning, to just, I did sometimes look left and right before I sipped the dew off of a leaf.

But yeah, and we know that there’s a lot behind flower essence and flower elixirs. And there are Bach flowers, right? So we know that there’s a lot behind this, but I hadn’t really thought of just actually going out in Mother Nature, and just connecting with the water that’s hanging out on a leaf in the morning. Yeah, so there’s just a lot of energy and power out there that I think we’ve disconnected ourselves from as a society. And just reconnecting to that alone brings us peace, joy, and love. And helps us really find what our purpose is.

And I believe when we live our purpose that we really our pollinating the planet with love together. Because we’re here to help in communion with one another. Not just to make a buck, or not just to say, I have a successful business. But that you actually have a business that’s helping to shift consciousness on the planet.

Melinda Wittstock:       Absolutely. I so agree. When we are being ourselves, the journey’s also easier as well, I’ve found. I mean, I’ve launched businesses that have been kind of trade off businesses. Like, this one’s going to be easy. I can turn this around. Those business actually end up harder because they’re not in alignment. The ones that are truly in alignment, and they’re really doing something great for the planet, they’re leveraging something that is uniquely your mission. I find that all kinds of amazing synchronicities happen. Like the right people show up at the right time. Things get easier. And in this case for me it’s business number five. And it’s a media company. I call it actually a consciousness company.

Beth Bell:                     I like that.

Melinda Wittstock:       Because everybody that comes into the podcast network that I’m building either has a conscious message in their podcast, or they have a company that’s run like a conscious company.

Beth Bell:                     Yeah.

Melinda Wittstock:       And some sort of mission. Because I look around the world, and I think, you know, we don’t have a lot of time. We got to kind of get this moving!

Beth Bell:                     Yeah! Exactly.

Melinda Wittstock:       And so then having declared this, that this is what I’m doing, suddenly all the right people are sort of showing. And it feels like it’s in flow. It doesn’t feel like it has to be like some sort of Sisyphean, like push the boulder up the mountain kind of business that a lot of businesses. Feel like for a lot of people.

Beth Bell:                     Yeah, no, I agree. And I think loneliness has hit epidemic levels. I always get pushback [inaudible 00:33:21] people want to try to peg lonely about being alone. And you don’t have to be alone to be lonely. And what I mean by that is really that back to that connection to our compass, to our true self, to what we’re here to do. And it’s one of the things that’s really inspired my next move, which is launching an online TV series, which is all about highlighting conscious entrepreneurs. In fact, it’s crazy how the universe works, but when it calls us to do these things, we step into it.

We don’t know how or why, but when I came back to the United States, I bought a Ram cargo van. And if you knew me at all, you would have said this is the last thing I would have expected Beth Bell to be driving is a Ram cargo van. And I converted it into a mobile recording studio. So it’s a little talk show format in there. And yeah, I’m all about launching a campaign and tour about pollinating the planet with love.

Melinda Wittstock:       Oh, that’s amazing! Well, I got to come on your TV show.

Beth Bell:                     I would love to have you on the show, absolutely!

Melinda Wittstock:       I would love that. Because you have your own radio show as well. You [inaudible 00:34:25] on the podcast network as well, and be part of that!

Beth Bell:                     Yes, yes.

Melinda Wittstock:       This is really awesome. I love doing business in my podcast. Anyway! So I have more questions about flowers, though. Do you mind? I am so fascinated by this because I love flowers. And it’s hilarious because I’m actually sitting here wearing a very flowery dress right now. And not knowing, you know, I always look at my, who am I interviewing today. And you know, it just pops up on my calendar, and I saw your name, it’s like, oh, that’s so funny that I’m interviewing a woman who’s into flowers and I just this morning I put on a flower dress. So there you go. I don’t know what that means, but I thought it was cool. So you say that there are four life lessons that you’ve learned from flowers. What are the four lessons?

Beth Bell:                     Number one, let love live. We spend a lot of time looking for love outside of ourselves. Loves me, loves me not. But it’s really about when we know that giving and receiving is the same. So we’re really loving ourselves, and we’re giving unconditionally. That helps us to receive. So that’s number one. Number two is details derail. And often times we get into analysis paralysis, and we try to figure everything out. And we really just… I mean, a flower doesn’t sit around and worry about the details. It just goes with the flow. But in a very powerful way. Not like you’re sitting back with your heels up, but you’re really in the flow of things. And not letting the details derail you from the higher purpose.

Expect nothing is number three. And this one’s really hard, I think, for everyone. But including me, it’s still really hard. Expect nothing is really about coming from a heart centered place. And making decisions based on what you think. And that can be challenging because there is a collective consciousness out there. And when you’re in especially a businesses, a company, a corporation, there is not only the collective consciousness, but there is the corporate culture that drives you to make decisions that may or not be what you really know to be the best decision for yourself. But also the best decision for the business. So it’s really about expecting nothing in the sense of making the right decision, and letting everything else kind of fall into place, and not controlling everything.

The Balinese are great at this lesson because we as Westerners have a lot of if, then thinking. If I do this, then this will happen. And there’s a time and a place for that, for sure. But they’re very much in the now. And they’re very much in the power of now, and letting things align and setting intentions. So that’s been an interesting side note to watch how the Balinese navigate life.

And the fourth one is appreciate everything. So we know that through gratefulness, everything is possible, everything is manifestable, if that’s a word. And it’s really about appreciating the basic things, a lot of times. And loving in Bali, sometimes I just appreciated having clean water. Sometimes I just appreciated when I had clean feet. Sometimes it was just the really basic things that I could find a great appreciation for, and I’d come back to the U.S., and everything feels so easy that we don’t necessarily appreciate some of the really core things about life. And so yeah, for anyone who is ever in a bad spot or just wanting something to be different, I think it’s always coming back to just appreciating what you have. And we know that that then becomes exponential, and that grows, and we move into other energies that provide, and abundances apparent in our life in that point with gratitude.

Melinda Wittstock:       I love it. I love it. So Beth, how can people best find you, and work with you. And connect with all your products, and your radio and TV show, and all the amazing things you’re doing?

Beth Bell:                     Bethbell.me. So they can go to my website. Bethbell.me. There’s also my Facebook page, which is bethbell.me as well. So if you type in Facebook, you can just put bethbell.me at the end, and it’ll take you right to my Beth Bell Live page. And from there you’ll see my radio shows, you’ll see the mudras, the experiences that happen. You’ll see products that you can purchase if you’re inspired to. We have a lot of really interesting things like mini mantra word bar necklaces that have high vibrational words, and everything’s made in Bali. So everything’s blessed and made in Bali and brings its own vibration of love, and then you can put your own intention onto these pieces. So yeah. And then I’m also on Instagram, which is Queen Bliss Bee. And I post a lot of my flower photographs with the messages that I receive from them.

Melinda Wittstock:       Wonderful. Oh, gosh. You’re so inspiring. I could talk to you for a long time. You’re going to have to come on again. And I can’t wait to see what unfolds. And we’ll have to get some pictures of some flowers to post, when we post this podcast.

Beth Bell:                     Yes, I would love that. I’ll send some for sure.

Melinda Wittstock:       Wonderful, Beth. Thank you for putting on your wings and flying with us.

Beth Bell:                     Thank you for having me.

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