158 Quantum Growth: Advice from Entrepreneur and Bestselling Author Christy Whitman on Transforming Your Life and Business

Christy Whitman has helped thousands of people transform their businesses and their lives as CEO and Founder of the Quantum Success Learning and Coaching Academies and the bestselling author of The Art of Having It All. She shares how to leverage inner energy work and meditation for outward success in business and life – and why our hearts are often a better guide than our minds.

Melinda Wittstock:         Welcome to Wings Christy.

Christy Whitman:            Thank you for having me. I’m so excited to be with you Melinda.

Melinda Wittstock:         I am excited to be with you as well. These Friday advice minisodes are so transformational for so many women, and I am excited to start by asking you what’s inspiring you right now?

Christy Whitman:            It’s such a great question. You know what’s inspiring me is people, especially women, that have the businesses that they have and everybody that has their own business, you know that there’s ups and downs, there’s ebb and flow in business, and my business in the last year and a half has really changed from a different model than I’ve been in for the last 11 years. So, I’ve been going through an ebb and I’m starting to see the tide come back in or the tide go back out, I should say.

I can see a woman that has gone through that ebb time and you know, when they had changes and transformations in their own business and stuck with it and really continued to hold the vision for what they want and now they’re living into it. That’s what really inspires me because, you know, every journey has those dips and when you’re in the dip it’s really very difficult sometimes to navigate through it. In those times, that’s when I really look towards other women that are really raising the bar and are having great success because it’s an avenue, it’s a picture, it’s a model of what is possible for me, so I’m always inspired by women that are going through major contrast that can then get past it and then make their business or themselves or whatever it is, go through a divorce and come out the other end just in a more radiant and more successful and balanced way in their life.

Melinda Wittstock:         I love that because just the essence of entrepreneurship are the ups and downs and the pivots and all of that, but if you have that north star mission that you’re aligned with and that you’re passionate about it makes, yeah, what you call the dips so much easier and easier to weather just as learning experiences and be positive even in those dips.

Christy Whitman:            Absolutely.

Melinda Wittstock:         That’s so true. Everyone has their challenges. I mean, you know, we were talking about dips, right, so we all have challenges in our business no matter how successful we look like to other people from the outside.

Christy Whitman:            Yes.

Melinda Wittstock:         Right?

Christy Whitman:            Yes.

Melinda Wittstock:         But we all have challenges going on. What are some of the challenges or a challenge that you have right now?

Christy Whitman:            Well, for me, I built a lot of my business. I was coaching for years and then I became known as the coach’s coach. I was certifying coaches and it literally was one of those things that it was a surround sound effect where people were coming to me saying, teach me to do exactly what you do. I want to be an exact kind of coach. I want to learn your process and so in 2008, I created The Quantum Success Coaching Academy where I certified … To this day I’ve certified about 3,500 coaches. I kept hearing the messages that I was completed and I needed to go off and do my own thing now and just coach people. The other thing is, too, I’m moving into, which you got to experience a little bit when we were together and we met, energy healing.

So, for me, it’s been transitioning out of that role of coaching and training other coaches and then just going out and doing my own thing. So, that has taken me a different type of focus and really saying no to things that look good, but don’t feel good. You know what I mean, like it would make sense to do it, but for me, inside of me, it was a no, to really stick true to what my vision is and where I feel that my next opportunities and path is leading me, so even though it’s a shiny big red toy, it’s like, I have to say no to it. You know, there’s a seduction in that, so I’ve had to be very diligent and really stick with my own goals and visions.

Melinda Wittstock:         That’s beautifully said because often I think we get pushed in different directions into things that we think we should do.

Christy Whitman:            Right.

Melinda Wittstock:         But getting very much in touch with that inner voice or intuition or divinity almost to really know what’s right, what’s not right and feel that. It’s a work in progress, isn’t it?

Christy Whitman:            Oh, it is. Yeah. It really is. I mean, and it’s a dedication for sure. It’s a commitment. You know, because I know a lot of us that are entrepreneurs, we’re also very creative, right, and so I could think of a creative thing and things to do in my business like at least once a day. So, I’m like, oh, that would be fun, oh, so it would be really easy to just Ping-Pong everywhere and just start creating all these different things, but if you don’t obviously stick with it and follow through and follow your heart because I think that’s the biggest thing for me is early on I had mentors that were like, well, you should do this. You’re in a perfect position to do this. I’m like, I don’t want to do this, but because they were the marketing guru or they were the mentor I would follow their advice instead of following my own heart. I learned that lesson many, many years ago, so, now even though on the outside world, it’s like, what is she doing?

Because, you know, we’re talking The Quantum Success Coaching Academy is a multimillion dollar a year program and I just said, we’re done. We’re doing the last semester. We started this last semester in May, and I’m like we’re done. Everybody on my team, everybody’s looking at me going, okay, I know she knows what she’s doing, but, you know, it’s like what? I mean, it just doesn’t make sense, right, logically, but I am following my heart and I know it’s the right thing to do, so I have to stay committed to that.

Melinda Wittstock:         Ah. That’s beautiful. That’s really, really wonderful and inspiring for other women, so everybody listen to Christy’s advice. Speaking of advice, what a great segue into your top three go-to pieces of advice for female founders, entrepreneurs, women in business.

Christy Whitman:            Absolutely. The first thing is, you know, because everything I teach, everything I coach, my whole business has been built around the seven essential laws. Basically, everything in the universe is energy, and so the biggest thing I see with most people whether they’re entrepreneurs or not is they’re not really attending to their own vibrational energy. When someone is feeling anger, a lot of times as women, we kind of were raised with the role models as being, okay, what would the men do, you know, and the men would just push through it and work harder and just kind of break down the walls. It’s a very masculine approach and it’s what has worked for all of us, right? But it really isn’t the feminine creative way, and I’ve found that there’s just so much more power in being able to work with your own energy. So, if you’re feeling frustration, if you’re feeling anger, if you’re feeling just like, oh, this is not working, right, there’s something within us that we need to attend to within our own energy field.

Christy Whitman:            I find that meditation is the easiest way to plug in and really allow that genius creative part of us, that non-physical part, to flow through us. So, meditation is huge. Doing energy work is huge. This might also sound like a cliché, but it’s like really following your own heart. It’s following not necessarily what your head is saying or what other people are saying, but really what expands you, what feels good to you, and I always say the best way to do that is really look at yourself and say is this a yes for me or is it a no for me? You know, if it’s a little no, if there’s a little bit of a no in there, then it’s a no. Being able to follow that has been just so, talk about the prosperity that has come from that, the abundance, the path and being on the path. It just feels good and opens up because of my commitment to my own self and my own heart. I can’t even tell you the rewards that have come from that.

Melinda Wittstock:         That’s absolutely beautiful. I mean, that really sums up everything. That’s like the advice, right? Is there anything else that you would say to help women who maybe are starting out in that kind of meditation, like how to get going at that because some people will say things like, oh gosh, I’d really like to do that, but I don’t know how or I’m bad at it? Any advice for them to really start on this path?

Christy Whitman:            Yeah. That’s a really great question because there are a lot of people that hear meditation and it’s like, okay, what do you picture in your head when you hear meditation, right? It’s like sitting in a room in silence and that feels like absolute torture, especially for type A women that are entrepreneurs and it’s like, you want me to sit and be quiet and not let my thoughts, and it’s like, that’s impossible, and I agree because I’m one of you too. So, what I have done and what I have been doing for years is guided meditations because when you do a guided meditation, so, for example, everybody can go to christywhitman.com and there’s examples right on the page of guided meditations to help you realize that you and your life truly are unlimited and the limitations that we have on ourselves is just blocked energy and you can shift those beliefs. You can shift those thoughts and you can actually move into the space of knowing yourself and really the world that we live in as being unlimited.

And, so, when you are going through a guided meditation, your mind gets to do something. So, it’s not like all of the sudden going from, you know, full tilt, you’re going, going, going to try to then totally quiet the mind. If you’ve ever tried to do that it’s like the monkey mind is ping-ponging all around, and it takes years to be able to sit quietly in a room and just not have thoughts and to work with your thoughts, but having someone guide you, your mind hooks into it plus you’re doing energy work. You’re working with energy, so like bringing in a different type of energy and frequency into your body and releasing the ones that don’t work or feel limited is really just a great way to even start that process. So, like I said, you can go to christywhitman.com and put in your name and your email and there’s a seven-day series of meditations that are really designed so that you know yourself and that you understand that your life is unlimited.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, how wonderful. Christy, how can people find you and work with you and connect? I’m sorry. I’m just going to pick that up again. So, Christy, how can people find you and work with you?

Christy Whitman:            Well, you can go to christywhitman.com, but you know what I would love to do for your listeners, Melinda, is I would love to give everybody a free book called Quantum Success. I have a new book coming out in September and I would love to just gift everybody with this book. All you have to do is pay for shipping and I’ll give you this. It’s a $24 book. When it comes out, it’s a hardcover. This has been really my journey and also my perspective and interpretation of the seven essential laws that has allowed me to create massive success in my career, so it’s really a change in the relationship that you have with not only your career, but with money because all relationships whether it’s with another human being, whether it’s with money, food, career, it doesn’t matter, all the relationships start inside of us first, and if you can get that relationship different or shifted, then your outer reality does change. As within so without. These are universal laws. These aren’t things that I made up. You can go to quantumsuccessbook.com, and you can get the book for free. All you have to do is pay is for shipping.

Melinda Wittstock:         How wonderful. Thank you. That’s such a generous offer. I love it. I can hardly wait to read your book as well. It sounds amazing.

Christy Whitman:            Thank you. I hope it helps a lot of people, especially women, to really be able to get into that place of knowing that it doesn’t have to be just complete hard work and struggle and pushing and striving and being driven and that you can really get into a place where you’re being guided, you’re being led and you can follow that. The things that you manifest will absolutely blow your mind and astonish you because you’re tapping into the infinite possibilities in the universe.

Melinda Wittstock:         This is wonderful. Well, Christy, thank you so much for putting on your wings and taking flight.

Christy Whitman:            Thank you for having me, Melinda. Thank you so much.

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