450 : 450 Jamie Elizabeth Thompson: Sacred Feminine

What does sacred feminine energy mean to you? What does it mean to innovate, create, manage, lead, and succeed in business by leveraging the intuitive, empathetic and sensual powers of attraction rather than single-minded masculine pursuit in business?


I’m Melinda Wittstock and today on Wings of Inspired Business  we meet an inspiring entrepreneur who struggled with burn out doing business the traditional masculine way … and learned how to operate from her sacred feminine.

Jamie Elizabeth Thompson shares today how our feminine magnetism … when we dare to tap into it … accelerates our path in business.

Over the last decade Jamie, as she has developed a body of work to support women and couples with letting go of negative patterns around intimacy and sex, found she had to change how she herself operated in business – and shares today how we have an opportunity to create and collaborate as women in business from our feminine power for positive impacts in the world.

Jamie Elizabeth Thompson will be here in just a moment, and first I have a question for you…

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Music – 2 seconds, then fade softly under my voice


Now back to the inspiring Jamie Elizabeth Thompson.

Jamie helps high-caliber people like you to navigate intimate desire and differences in relationships with loving, open communication. She believes you deserve to be completely met, deeply connected and profoundly satisfied in your relationship and sex life. Her background is in trans-personal psychology, neuroscience, sensual embodiment, and holographic movement reprograming – and she has also learned along the way in her entrepreneurial journey that leveraging our sensuality as women accelerates us in business. You’re going to want to listen closely to this one!

Jamie travels the world teaching masterminds, business events and private clients, how to up-level their success and creativity through sexual transmutation. Her courses include “Intimate Communication Mastery” and the “Erotic Menu: Roadmap to a Gourmet Sex Life”. We talk today about the 4 erotic muses and how to embody our feminine even in a busy workday of seemingly endless to-dos.

Are you ready to fly with Jamie Elizabeth Thompson? I am

Melinda Wittstock:         Jamie, welcome to Wings.

Jamie Elizabeth Thompson:        So good to be on. Thank you.

Melinda Wittstock:         I’m really inspired with what you’re doing in the world and particularly leveraging the sacred feminine in all of its aspects, and we’re going to talk all about that. But first, just my curiosity. I want to know from you how you believe sensuality and our feminine magnetism really supports us in our entrepreneurial journey.

Jamie Elizabeth Thompson:        I love this question. So, our sexual energy, if we look at our sexual energy as a more potent version of the life force that is always running through our body, so this is a Daoist perspective on sexual energy. So, a lot of us have heard of chi. Right? Chi is your life force. It’s like getting your life force moving and you can do this through exercise and eating correctly and getting the right micro and macronutrients. You can also get a more concentrated, super activated version of this that the Daoists refer to as jing chi.

You can get this energy moving more fully in your body through activating your sexual energy. So, it’s like a potent concentrated version of life force. My experience with this is when we are sexually fulfilled, and even if we don’t have a partner, when we are in our own personal practice with nurturing our feminine essence and our sexual energy and moving in our feminine body, moving in a feminine way, that our sexual energy ends up being a resource, an internal power source for our vitality.

So, this means having more energy to create with. This means having a lighter and brighter light shining from within. This means being turned on and more magnetic because when the feminine is in her feminine and in her fullness and in her joy, then she is magnetic and she is radiant. So, many of us have shut down this part of ourselves, myself included at one point in my life, to think that I needed to achieve based on someone else’s model of how you achieve, which is probably masculine.

So, it’s really about being able to come back to that feminine fullness and create from a different place. That has impacted the longevity and the long game of being an entrepreneur for myself and so many other women that I’ve worked with.

Melinda Wittstock:         I think we can try and imitate men and run and chase after a buffalo with a spear. Right? But it’s not, first of all, it’s not a good look on us and it doesn’t work. We do burn out. I know there’s so many women who, really because we had no other role models, felt that to be in business was to adopt a lot of masculine, just archetypal masculine traits. But what goes wrong for us when we do that specifically? What happened in your life when you did that? I’m assuming you did because almost every woman in business I know did that. I did that.

Jamie Elizabeth Thompson:        Yes. I absolutely did. I had an experience about four years ago where I experienced a full burnout. So, I was already working with men and women and couples in sex and intimacy and communication and relationships, and that was already the world. I was already building a business. I, like many women, I’m obsessed with my purpose. I am absolutely obsessed with what I’m doing on this planet and I love it so much.

That drive got out in front of me and I was working on deadlines and I was working on working with a marketing company that I had paid a lot of money to. They had all these ideas of things I needed to do and I was trying to get them all done, but they weren’t truly coming from my own pure inspiration and I was just overworking. It’s like I was working way too many hours and it was not effective because I ended up burning out.

I had an experience where my partner basically dragged me out from behind my computer screen and I got the like wide eyes of being up for 12 hours staring at a screen trying to make a Facebook ads video perfect. He dragged me and put me in the bathtub and was like, “I want you to take a bath right now,” and he’s like, “I’m going to light these candles. Here’s your favorite ylang-ylang and frankincense essential oils. Here’s this nice playlist I know you have on Spotify that you haven’t listened to in three months because you’ve completely given up all of your feminine practices.”

He just really supported me as the divine masculine can in coming back into my feminine. I remember sinking down into this bubble bath and feeling my body relax and just weeping because I realized that I was like, “When is the last time I truly tuned in with myself? When is the last time that I really felt myself and my body and got out of my head and back into my heart and back into my core and just really felt myself?” So, it was a beautiful, cathartic release that then led me into basically laying in bed for another week.

I decided that I completely let all that go. Everything I was working on at that time, I was like, “You know what? This is not being created from my truth. This is what someone else is telling me I need to do to be successful, and I’m just not going to do it.” The $15,000 I’d spent on the marketing, I just let it all go. I was like, “You know what? I’m done, and just, you can keep it. I’m just quitting,” and I stopped.

I went into a deep state of feminine practice and called back all of the rituals and the tools that I had studied from my work with tantra and ancient temple arts and the cultivation of the energy in the body through Daoist practice and went back into everything I studied with neuroscience and psychosomatic embodiment and just all of my practices around sensuality and coming back to myself. I went into a deep state of practice for about three months.

I created minimally and worked with my clients that I had during that time, but I did not sign on anyone new. I wasn’t posting on social media anymore. It was like I put it … You know how when a phone goes on low power mode and a lot of the things stop working, but just only the things that need to work worked? That was the place I went to. I really went into this conserving and resourcing myself and had a very clear … The one thing that I knew in this place is that if I was going to create something again it was going to come from pure inspiration. It was going to come from a transmission from the divine that this is what I’m meant to do and I was going to create it from my feminine, and I knew this is what I had to do.

So, I just stayed there and eventually, in my bathtub, back in the bathtub that became one of my favorite places, I got the complete download and transmission for what a huge part of my work is now, which is an online platform and community and virtual course called Awakening Your Erotic Muse. This came in at … It slapped me in the face. It just came in and the whole system of how to create as a feminine being from the feminine came through. It was using exactly what you’re saying of using our sensual and sexual energy to enliven us and support us in our journey of being an entrepreneur and being a fully embodied, powerful woman.

Melinda Wittstock:         This resonates so deeply with me. I similarly, but differently, arrived at the same conclusion. Well, I didn’t exactly burn out. I found myself in a position after years and years and years of being a go-getter, just constantly ticking things off a to-do list, getting things done, very masculine energy. I had no hormones left in the tank. You know what I mean? I had literally nothing left. I know so many women who are entrepreneurs, very successful, I’m a serial entrepreneur, I’m on my fifth business now working in media and tech and whatnot, get to their 40s and 50s and have nothing left, or they have severe adrenal fatigue. All these sorts of things happen.

So, where my journey was a little bit different in just in taking up practices like meditation. Right? Just all the personal growth things that came my way because honestly, if you want therapy, just become an entrepreneur because there’s all these things beyond your control that you can’t necessarily deal with and it brings up all your crap. It just does. So, you can choose to ignore it or confront it. It sent me on this wonderful personal growth journey.

So, to cut to the chase, I have my best moments. I do my best work on my business and in my business when I’m meditating or when I’m walking in the woods or when I’m on the beach or in a bath with candle, really, because that’s the best. That’s when those divine downloads come to me as well. I’m realizing that that’s very much just the feminine that you’re talking about.

Jamie Elizabeth Thompson:        Absolutely. All the things you said and nature in itself is inherently feminine. The planet, it’s Earth. Earth is a very feminine vibration. So, the more that we can connect with the elements, connect with the elements within us, and tune into that, I’m also hearing that in what you’re saying is it’s like where is my water? Where is my sensuality at? Or where is my fire? Am I being lit up? Or where is my Earth? Am I feeling grounded and solid in myself? Or where is my air? Am I inspired and having clarity?

So, it’s like tuning into the elements that actually exist within our physical body. These are the elements that we are made up of. A great way to tune back into that embodiment is going out into nature. So, I love that, and taking a bath is another great way because often, that deeply feminine, emotional, sensual energy, it can get a little beaten out of us during the entrepreneurial day. So, I think finding these resets, finding, I actually call it ritual, finding feminine ritual that can support us to reset our energy throughout the day.

So, some of the practices that I teach women in this area is sensual embodiment, like actually coming back to essential embodiment practice throughout the day. Even turning on a song that makes you feel sexy in the middle of your emails and dancing a little bit and coming back in five minutes. We can do these ways of coming back into our body, or I love that you said go out and take a walk. It’s like going outside, taking a walk, just really breathing in a flower, and through practice, we can create a ritual out of being feminine.

Life is not going to do this for us. So, this is something where it’s like all of that masculine, ambitious, directed effort I find makes entrepreneurial women really good at creating a ritual out of being feminine when they put their mind to it because they know what it takes to discipline oneself. I think that this is one way that is often forgotten that we can really discipline ourselves to remember.

Melinda Wittstock:         Mm-hmm (affirmative). Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah. It’s true. Just even things like, what’s changed for me in a profound way is instead of having a to-do list, I have an intentions list. My intentions, it’s even gone to the point now where my intentions are less and less set by ego or what my left brain tells me. They’re more set by my morning meditation where I get these downloads. It’s kind of like, you know that … I don’t know that you … Sorry. I was going to pick up there. In my meditation, I’m talking to source or the divine or God or whatever and saying, “God, you know that I can’t do this on my own. Show me. Teach me.”

I get these amazing downloads and when I act on that, or when I set an intention around the inspiration without presupposing how it’s done, magic happens, and it means though that I’m not in that strive as much as I used to be. Right? Actually, here’s a funny one, Jamie. There was a day that I was actually working, I was violating my own rule on this. Right? I had like five priorities, and for whatever reason I was working on priorities two, three, four, and five, but not number one. What was that about? Right. I was blocked on two, three, four, and five. Then when I suddenly had the epiphany and I started working on one, two, three, four, and five all resolved themselves without any effort from me.

Jamie Elizabeth Thompson:        Yes. Absolutely. [inaudible 00:33:16].

Melinda Wittstock:         Right? That’s an example of, I think, being in the feminine. Do you find that more and more men though too in leadership positions and the way that we run our company and company culture is becoming more inclusive or embracing this aspect of the divine feminine as well?

Jamie Elizabeth Thompson:        I think it is happening culturally because there’s this part where it’s like, we aren’t just like … I don’t know why this is coming up. I’m thinking of the movie, Boiler Room. You remember that? Where [inaudible 00:33:48] calling and it’s this very aggressive sales environment and it’s like there’s certain hyper masculine men that can thrive in that for a little while, but they were also getting burned out. I think what’s really missing on this planet and in business right now is the heart and coming back into our heart.

So, I do see this happening more and more where people are beginning to not just ask themselves the question of how can this be done, but ask themselves the question of how can this be done and feel really good and have integrity in the process? I think this is bringing in more of embodied entrepreneurship. I know the other day, I had so much to do and there was just a, in a course launch and there’s just certain moments of business where it’s like there’s a lot of tasks.

I had that experience that now it’s like I don’t ever let myself actually get overwhelmed. The second that becomes a thought, I stop. I just stopped because it does not support me to continue taking action if I’m having a moment where I’m about to drop into overwhelm. I actually just come back to myself and I just put my hands on my heart and simply tuned in and was like, “Okay. So, what are you feeling right now?” and had a conversation, like an actual dialogue with my heart.

What’s interesting about this is often, the heart has answers that our mind does not have or it has a way of being that we can then reconnect to. So, it was like in connecting with my heart, I came back to my body. Much like what you just said, all of the things that needed to be done, I was like, “Oh, actually, this can totally be delegated. Let me call my assistant with this. These two things can actually spearhead this other one.”

It was like all of a sudden, the map of the effective way to do it came online because I dropped out of that limbic system, which is the fight or flight sympathetic nervous system activated when we are in a state of fear or overwhelm and simply just took five minutes to come back to myself and come back to my heart. Then from that place in my heart it was like it was just obvious. It was like, what was I even overwhelmed about? I didn’t even know at that point. So, to come back to your question, though, I do think that men and business today is starting to open up to this idea of the heart and of a deeper connection to all of life.

Melinda Wittstock:         I think too, women are really uniquely suited as entrepreneurs to use business as a canvas to solve a lot of the most pressing global problems, where business models are changing. Right? Like cleaner supply chains, for instance, diversity on boards and within companies, but also just different business models that actively address societal problems that we used to leave to governments and entrepreneurship. I see a lot of women, and men, but really innovating in new ways and new leadership styles. So, it seems to me as we’re in this new decade that the energy has shifted somehow. People are really looking at business, I think, in a different way and I think women have tremendous potential to be real transformational leaders at this time.

Jamie Elizabeth Thompson:        I love that you’re bringing this up and I love how you’re putting that. I believe that feminine leadership is the kind of leadership that is cooperative and collaborative. I think we can practice that in groups of women. I know you run amazing events, and that’s also what I work with in groups of women who are coming through my online courses is we work together in an environment of celebration, cooperation, and collaboration. In that space together, it’s amazing because the overambitious competition and jealousy is actually not a feminine trait. That’s actually a masculine trait.

Often, we adopt this mask of masculinity and think that we need to compete in order to succeed or that if someone else has it, then we can’t. So, there’s a built in scarcity philosophy inside of that model of business. That is, I think what you’re touching on, is shifting, is how can we really be in collaboration and cooperation with one another?

Melinda Wittstock:         Yeah. I think that’s true, though, that shift from scarcity and mindset, you could call it, into an abundance one, because I think women just through the ages have been more attuned to an abundant way of thinking. Yet in our society, we somehow lost that and we got conditioned to be in that scarcity mode with each other. So, women, when we’re operating at a low vibration can be, it’s the mean girl thing or it’s the queen bee thing. It’s like if you don’t value yourself enough or you don’t think there’s enough room for everybody, then you’re going to … Right?

Early in my career, my goodness, and I think in the ’90s, late ’80s going into the ’90s when I was graduating from college and on my first jobs and my first business forays. Right? It was impossible to find a female mentor. It was really difficult to find a female who would actually help you. Women only competed with other women and it was all scarcity.

Jamie Elizabeth Thompson:        Yes. I love how honestly and openly you’re speaking about this. I’ve had the same experience and I’ve had the same experience and I’m just going to translate it over into in sexuality and intimacy. There’s this built in idea that women need to compete for masculine attention or compete to be desirable or that if someone else is more desirable than us, that means we aren’t worth anything. There’s so many different belief systems that have been ingrained around that that we really just don’t have to buy into anymore.

In any thing that has been given that much power and is a taboo in that way contains so much power that we can then use. So, I find this that when women really start waking up to supporting each other, even in these very deep, sensitive areas such as sexuality and sensuality and embodiment, when women can really start even supporting each other in those areas and even speaking honestly about those areas, that it’s like we get our power back because we’re not tied up. Our energy isn’t being tied up in trying to compete. It’s being tied up in just being in support of others, which is also us being in support of ourselves.

Melinda Wittstock:         Yes. Absolutely that. This is really the reason why I started this podcast because I had felt on my entrepreneurial journey and in my career kind of isolated as a woman and I’d always kind of yearned for it. I thought, something’s missing here. I always really, in the few moments in my 20s or 30s where I could work really well with other women who were coming from that abundance mindset, it was so transformational, but very rare.

So, when women, like our hashtag for the Wings of the Empowered Woman community and our retreats and mastermind is #liftasweclimb because when women are helping each other, just think about it for a moment, when we buy from each other or we promote each other or we invest in each other or we’re just literally there with meaningful support, like opening doors, not just like the kind of “You go, girl” thing, but like really actual meaningful, like actually doing stuff for each other, the outcomes are transformational. They start to become, yeah, really abundant, almost exponential. So, again, the reason for the podcast, the reason for these retreats and all of it is really around this.

Jamie Elizabeth Thompson:        It’s amazing. I find that if jealousy comes up, because just being super honest, I naturally by default have been a jealous person. It’s like that is something that I have truly experienced is this experience of jealousy. Through my 20s, I remember just really judging myself for that and feeling like I want to get rid of this. I don’t want to be this way. Through really allowing myself to support women and be supported by other women, I realized that the things that I was jealous of, I was actually inspired by, that those were actually things that I was inspired by.

So, it’s been such a great shift for me to really be inspired by the most talented, gifted, successful, beautiful women as those are the wings that I am absolutely riding on and just in awe of and bringing that into an inspiration and a place of attraction instead of a place of making myself wrong because I’m not that. It’s rather the inspiration. Then the other thing that has supported, if anyone else is dealing with jealousy, the other thing that has really supported me is coming back to trusting myself and my channel and my mission and really being that and embodying that 100%.

Because when I’m in my purpose and in my embodiment and listening to the divine that is speaking to me and through me and I’m doing that fully, it doesn’t matter how successful or great or gifted anyone else is. I know that I’m on my track. So, now if jealousy or something pings me, I look and I’m like, “Where am I not showing up in that way in my life? Where am I just maybe one degree off course?” Because it can be really subtle now. It’s very subtle shifts and it’s like, ooh, there’s this way that I want to show up more fully in myself, in my life, or my business or with my partner. So, I just find that the people that we are inspired by can really support us in getting back on track in that way.

Melinda Wittstock:         Absolutely. Well, jealousy is an interesting thing too, right? Because we actually give away our power when we put the power on to something external outside of ourselves. So, all the greatest, I don’t know, the greatest gift we have is always within. Right? All the inspiration, everything, our thoughts, our heart, all of that. I think when I finally understood that, that it wasn’t really, no one else was to blame for anything that was going on in my life, really. I think we really do create our own realities in that sense and our thoughts are choices.

So, but I love that. It’s a really interesting thing getting people out of scarcity thinking and out of that kind of fear base, because it’s fear based at the root of it. I think for a lot of women, it’s like, god, am I enough? Am I enough? All the women who are perfectionists, I know there should be an AA for perfectionism. Right? Because all of us do that. I know so many women, and myself included, I’m like a recovering perfectionist. At the root of that is a belief that we’re not enough or that we’ll be found out or something like that. Some sort of imposter thing.

So, we toil in isolation making something perfect. In business, that’s death because we can’t get to market fast enough. We need to co-create with our customers. We need to be out there. We need to be building the plane as we fly it. Men do that. Men are not afraid to suck. You know what I mean?

Jamie Elizabeth Thompson:        Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Melinda Wittstock:         So, I see women that the big challenge for all of us is letting go, a lot of that kind of stuff, right? That perfectionism.

Jamie Elizabeth Thompson:        Yes. Absolutely, and I think what we’re really talking about here is we’re answering the question of where are you leaking your power? Where is your power currently leaking? This is a great … I ask myself this question often is just looking at like where am I giving subtly apologizing or subtly giving away my power to my idea of perfectionism or some of these ideas of unworthiness or jealousy or competition? All of that is giving away our power. Another way we do that is often in sexuality.

We talked, or actually I want to talk a little bit about saying no because saying no is one way that we can take our power back. It’s like in truly being very clear about what our yes is. I work with women in the microcosm of sex and intimacy with this that then ends up supporting the macrocosm of their life and their business, but really tuning into where is your yes and where is your no in your partnership or in your dating life, and really finding that. I find that when we get really clear on our yes, it automatically creates the boundaries that make our no easier and more graceful and more openhearted to be able to give, where it’s like we are so in relationship with our yes that we don’t need to leak our power in maybes.

Talk about power leaks. Maybes are one of the greatest power leaks that exist. It’s like if we’re living in that limbo land and we’re not in a yes or no, all of that energy is being leaked into the maybe. So, really coming into what is our greatest yes. I find that one of the most potent places to discover this is actually in our intimate desire and really finding our yes. I remember when I did this exercise with a partner that where I wrote down the top five things that I desired that we had never experienced together. It really took some thinking because we’ve done a lot. So, it was like diving into these deeper places and really finding my yes in that.

In exploring that, it opened up all of this energy in my body and opened up this clarity of this queenly place that felt like, oh, I can have anything I want. I can ask for it clearly in a way that he feels inspired to give it to me. I’m worthy of everything I desire and I can lean into the edges of my yes. What is the edgy yes, and really leaning into that. Then that has, the nos become even easier to give and even more clear.

Melinda Wittstock:         Mm-hmm (affirmative). Right. Just so, so powerful. So, earlier on, you were talking about erotic muses. I want you to explain what that is. I know that you have four that support women on their mission. Can you talk a little bit about that?

Jamie Elizabeth Thompson:        Yes. So, the erotic muse is … So, let’s just first talk about the muse. So, the muse is, there’s the famous story of the woman who is the inspiration and the lifeblood of the creativity for the musician or the businessman or the famous man and she’s whispering in his ear and he’s successful because of her. That’s this idea of the muse. So, the erotic muse is bringing that muse, that capacity to be the inspiration and the creativity for success and for life itself and bringing that back into our body and back into our eroticism.

So, we become a muse for ourself. We become inspired by our own sensuality and by simply being a woman. So, it’s really bringing that energy back in and being able to create with it. So, the muse is the creative part of the feminine. So, what I’ve done is connect our creativity and our spirituality with our sexuality. So, it’s reconnecting all that and coming back into the connection with the muse through the process of awakening the four muses within.

The four muses within are based on the four different elements, which touched on a little bit earlier. So, earth, air, water and fire. So, there is the water, which is the central muse. This muse is all about really deeply being in touch with our own emotions so that they don’t accidentally take us out or sabotage us or come out sideways. So, it’s really about coming back into connection with our emotional system and coming back into connection with our self love and our sensuality, slowing down and really tuning into the deliciousness of living in a feminine body and creating from that place.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, no, go ahead. I don’t mean-

Jamie Elizabeth Thompson:        Oh. Okay. So, the earth muse is the wild, so that the earth element is the wild muse. The wild muse is all about boundaries. It’s all about owning our power. It’s about coming back into an ancient embodied wisdom of primal intelligence. So, this is our instincts. It’s coming back in tune with our instinctual nature. So, this is the part of us that if there were no hospitals, women would still know how to get together and have a baby. How would we know how to do this? We would know how to do this because of there’s a primal intelligence that lives in the feminine body.

So, when we can tune back into that, we become, I say a word like psychic, but it could really just mean more attuned and really in our power. But there’s a deep awareness of what is happening and a power that is reclaimed in the physical body around boundaries. So, that’s what that muse is about. Then [crosstalk 00:54:54] keep going?

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, yeah. Sorry. Sorry. I just keep talking over here. I didn’t meant to. Just pick up there.

Jamie Elizabeth Thompson:        Okay. The fire muse, now this is the naughty muse. So, this is the part of us that likes to break the rules, that really is mischievous and wants to do things her own way. She will not be contained. She will be outside of the box. She is pure permission. This is the antidote for perfectionism. So, those of us who might need to be in Perfectionists Anonymous, as you were saying earlier, the naughty muse is that part of us that is like, she is unapologetic about her desire and what she wants to do in life and gives herself and those around her permission to be in their fullness.

So, this is about really connecting with whatever the taboo is, and that’s different for different women. For some women, it’s really exploring their orgasm or their pleasure is taboo. For those of us who were raised religious, this was a huge part of my feminine awakening was finding the part of me that had been programmed by religion, but that was living in shame about my sexuality or some part of my desire and really owning that. So, the naughty muse and that fire is that ownership and permission for all of the parts of ourselves to be welcome and celebrated.

Then finally, the air element is the sacred muse. So, this is that divine feminine part of us, the element of air. This is the unseen. So, this is the realm that you cannot see, but yet we are all so impacted by all of the time. It’s that secret magic that the feminine has. When we can really tune into our energetic body, there’s the potential that lives within the sacred muse is really opening up the experience of allowing more divine energy to flow through our body and nourish us on a regular basis, really opening up our orgasm and our experience of our sexuality to be a space where we can receive downloads and ideas and inspirations and transmissions, much like one might receive in meditation.

So, it’s really opening our erotic body to that kind divine intervention. So, those are the four different muses and there’s a large body of content inside of each of them that is inside of the awakening your erotic muse curriculum to, as far as just tools and practices and videos to dive into each of these parts of ourself more fully because ultimately, this is all in service to the wholeness of the feminine where no part of the feminine is left out, not the soft part, not the loud part, not the powerful part, not the sweet part, not the naughty part. All of the parts are really welcome and integrated in wholeness.

When we are this, it’s like we are untouchable. This is such a powerful place to be in. I’ve just seen it in happen in so many women who begin, it’s like they integrate this aspect of the feminine into their life and into the way they raise their kids, into the way they run their businesses, into the way they just live their life and in their relationships. They’re just operating more in their power and also in their pleasure. It’s fun and enjoyable from this place.

Melinda Wittstock:         So, Jamie, I could actually talk to you for hours about this. This is such rich content and so, so important for women in business to really bring the sacred and the divine feminine into everything we do. Where do you see your business and your life going? What’s the big vision in the next decade?

Jamie Elizabeth Thompson:        I love this. I see a community of women and … I’m going to start that over. I see a temple space that is a community of women who are coming together and really embodying these divine aspects of the feminine and really stepping into queenhood and priestesshood and supporting each other in that. I see a massive event. I see massive events that are really bringing back the ancient temple arts for the modern woman, for the modern businesswoman in today’s age where we are supporting each other in our feminine awakening process.

That is the inspiration and the magic that is then being breathed into our individual businesses and missions in life. I see us really being able to come together and reunite the feminine and celebrate, collaborate, and cooperate with one another inside of that. I’m holding spaces like that in retreats and in these online virtual temple spaces and I’m just seeing that continue to grow and become more common so that being a centrally awakened woman is normal.

Melinda Wittstock:         Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yes. It is absolutely normal and wonderful and right. Oh, my gosh. Jamie, how can people find you and work with you?

Jamie Elizabeth Thompson:        So, I have a couple different websites. One is my regular website, which is jamieelizabeththompson.com, J-A-M-I-E, E-L-I-Z-A-B-E-T-H, T-H-O-M-P-S-O-N, .com, and then I also have the site that is dedicated to the Awakening Your Erotic Muse curriculum and online community, and that is awakeningyoureroticmuse.com. Then I post a lot on social media in the same vein of what we’ve been talking about here today. My Instagram is, holisticsexcoach, @holisticsexcoach. My Facebook is facebook.com/miss, M-I-S-S, jamieelizabeth.

Melinda Wittstock:         Wonderful. Oh, my goodness. Thank you so much for putting on your wings and flying with us.

Jamie Elizabeth Thompson:        You’re so welcome. Thank you for having me on. It was a pleasure.

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