488 Mia Hewett:

What triggers you when you’re under pressure, when you’re feeling fear or uncertainty?) During the stresses of Coronavirus it is easy to slip into old, unhelpful behaviors, triggered by deep subconscious stories we’ve told ourselves. We seek familiarity in times of crisis and those triggers are opportunities to heal what no longer serves you.

Mia Hewett is a serial entrepreneur who achieved the success of her dreams… she had all the houses, the cars, the kids, horses, everything she ever thought she wanted. And she felt miserable. It set her on a course of self-discovery and led her to create a methodology to remove our blind spots, fears, self-doubt and anxiety … and truly align ourselves with our soul’s purpose. Today we look at triggers, how to use them to grow, especially now during Coronavirus.

Melinda Wittstock:         Mia, welcome to Wings.

Mia Hewett:                      Thank you so much. Thanks for having me.

Melinda Wittstock:         I’m excited to speak to you. You’ve done so many different things in business, brick and mortar, now online, coaching, speaking, all of these things. When you were a little girl, did you know that you were an entrepreneur? Did you do all those kind of entrepreneurial things? Was that just naturally in your DNA?

Mia Hewett:       Oh my gosh. I love that question so much. I love that question so much because I am the complete opposite of what most people I’ve ever talked to have in this. I was not that person. I was actually the little girl who used to be really, really, really shy. I didn’t understand that shyness back then was just a fear of judgment. So, I was the little girl who never said anything, who let everybody else go first. I was a big people pleaser. I helped other people become successful, but not myself. I just wanted to be a good person. And that really was who I was. Then, when I was in about middle school, about 13 years old, my mother and father got a divorce. We became poor overnight. Like literally poor, like really bad poor.

Mia Hewett:       Some of my most tragic things happened to me during that time. I started working when I was 13 years old, and my dog died because our house was so invested with fleas, they literally sucked the blood out of him.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh my God.

Mia Hewett:       I remember we had to go to bed at night with… there was roaches that would run and we would have to sleep with the sheets covered over our head so that they wouldn’t like… when they ran on us, they wouldn’t go in our mouths. I remember making a decision when I was 13 years old. I don’t know how I’m going to get out of this, I don’t know how I’m not going to be poor, but I am not going to be poor again. Then, you know how like when it says when it rains, it pours? Well, it pretty much… Then the next worse thing happened to me is I remember we were poor. My grandmother had taken pity though on my teeth, so I had braces. I had gone into typing and I remember tapping… I felt a tap on my shoulder and this girl I had never seen before, I turn around and she just starts beating the crap out of me. So, my mouth blows up, all this blood’s gushing out and I could hear the kids yelling “hit her. Hit her.” And in truth, they could have been rooting for me, but in my mind, they wanted her to kill me.

Mia Hewett:       So, we get taken to the dean’s office. It eventually gets… we’re taken to the dean’s office and the dean says to me “what did you do? Why did she beat you up?” I said, “I have no idea. I’ve never said anything to her. I’ve never even seen her before.” And he’s like “what?” And he turns to the girl and he’s like “well, why did you beat her up?” She’s like, “that’s exactly the reason. She’s never said anything. She’s stuck up.”

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh wow.

Mia Hewett:       Now Melinda, I would tell you I, at that point, I had no idea that my shyness could be misinterpreted to being stuck up. I just never said a word.

Melinda Wittstock:         That’s so interesting. I think a lot of people sometimes just don’t want to be noticed or something, but everybody has their own story that they’re telling and we have no control over that. what other people think of me is none of my business.

Mia Hewett:       It’s amazing.

Melinda Wittstock:         But what a lesson-

Mia Hewett:       It is amazing. Yes, it was such a lesson and that was the day I decided… That day I decided that if I was going to get beat up, I wanted to get beat up for what I said then what I didn’t say. I just made it like, okay. If you’re going to beat me up, let it be for something I really said. You know what I mean? So that’s kind of like where I felt like the biggest shift turn. Then, I’ll go forward. Fast forward. Then what happened was I went on to build a multi-million dollar brick and mortar business and then I had all the money. I had the success, I had the houses, the cars, the kids, I had everything. Horses galore. I mean… rental properties, everything and I felt miserable.

Mia Hewett:       I couldn’t understand, Melinda. I was like why? I thought my whole life if I could just get wealthy, if I could just become rich, that I would feel so good about myself. I would feel good enough. I would feel worthy. I couldn’t understand how I could have all these things and that wasn’t the answer. I didn’t get it until that… I really then went on a deep search of meaning and I hired the best in the industry. I’ve spent a half a million dollars on my own coaching. I hired the top of the top to really help me understand, to break free of this insecurity that I’ve always felt. I always felt not good enough, all alone, like there was something wrong with me. I was just different.

Melinda Wittstock:         Who’s the top of the top?

Mia Hewett:       Oh my gosh. Who haven’t I worked with? If Tony Robbins is a million dollars a year, I worked with his top coach who coaches all of his coaches, like the top of the top. So, the second highest in position. I’ve worked with some really famous authors, best-selling authors. I have done… I’ve worked with some best-selling doctors in their field of it. The key that I’m most wanting to share with people is what I learned from that experience is they do re-frames. There’s a re-frame. Right? Just think differently and so forth. I really kept struggling with that because if I could just think differently, I would have already done that by now.

Mia Hewett:       So, it just didn’t work for me. But, I didn’t understand why because I’m totally coachable. I really am coachable. I’m one of those people that will do exactly what you say to really implement it. I care more about getting the result than I do about being right. So, I really am coachable. So what I found, and this is why I developed my own methodology. Out of this frustration, that I couldn’t get the results even though I’ve spent all this money. I didn’t feel any different.

Mia Hewett:       What I found was that they were really going at it… and I spent like… I went to like four or five different therapists. So, I tried everything.

Melinda Wittstock:         You sound like me because I’m like that too. Like really endlessly curious. Always want to be the best, [crosstalk 00:29:32] coachable, but then there’s always some sort of iceberg in everybody’s life that’s submerged and you don’t know what it is.

Mia Hewett:       Okay, I’ve figured it out.

Mia Hewett:       I’m going to tell you. I know now… Now, I’m a master at this. I know everything about it. That’s why I have my own process. I call it aligned intelligence is my trademark. Because I literally figured it out. That’s why I wrote the book so everybody would know the truth.

Mia Hewett:       What happens in personal development is they want to go through the mind. Okay? But the problem that they don’t understand that I really help people break down is the real problem starts in the emotions.

Mia Hewett:       All behaviors are actually emotional. They’re not intellectual-

Melinda Wittstock:         That’s the feeling. Yeah. They’re the feelings that we have around the stories we told ourselves when we were little.

Mia Hewett:       Yes. This is it.

Melinda Wittstock:         Like back when we didn’t have a frontal lobe back then. Right?

Mia Hewett:       That’s exactly right. [crosstalk 00:31:05]

Melinda Wittstock:         … and we felt it. So every time we feel those things it’s like it’s familiarity and we-

Mia Hewett:       That’s exactly right.

Melinda Wittstock:         I think we really cling to what’s familiar, right?

Mia Hewett:       That’s exactly right. You’re 100% accurate. That’s exactly where it is. So what I do is completely custom meaning the reason why it doesn’t work then to try to put somebody into a box and to try to get them to be like everybody else. What I do is I actually take you back to the day that you created that. So, the exact day you created your ego inception. So what happened is that day that that happened, the very first original trauma, we call it a trauma because trauma, the reason is, is because trauma is in the eye of the beholder. So I want to say that because most misunderstandings come from that we often think in our society that for me to have had a trauma, I had to either been several beaten almost to death or severely molested. And although those are real traumas, 100%, I’ve healed entrepreneurs of those. I can also tell you that a trauma can feel like this where your sister makes fun of you and you think that there is something wrong with you and so you begin to think that who you are is not okay.

Mia Hewett:       It doesn’t have to be that big is what I’m trying to say. It was just a decision you made when you were too young to have a frontal lobe to say what you’re saying, so you couldn’t decide whether you accepted or rejected that idea because you didn’t have a conscious mind yet. It doesn’t start getting developed until after seven years old. So, you accepted it as true even when it wasn’t. And then what happens is you’ve been living that pattern, that original trauma, the trap that everybody’s really in until you uncover it because the cool thing about a trap is the way to get out of a trap is you have to first to recognize you’re in one. Right?

Mia Hewett:       But awareness of the trap is not enough to make the trap go away. So, often times what really well-meaning amazing people are doing, even therapists and so forth, they really mean well. They’ll make us aware of the trap, but then they don’t give us anything on how to get out of it. So, we’re left with using coping mechanisms to try to survive it. What I actually do is I don’t teach any coping mechanisms. I actually take you back and I actually heal the damn thing. We actually actually really heal it like where you no longer have those emotions. You no longer feel that way.

Mia Hewett:       Then, what we do because once we heal it and you won’t feel that way anymore, that doesn’t mean now you have skills. So let’s say if I was shy for most of my life, and I heal that, it doesn’t automatically give me the skillsets of now how to speak to anybody. Right? So, now I have to give you skills because even though you don’t have the emotions running anymore, you still need new skillsets on how to like be in any conversation and never lose your power. Then I teach people exactly how to do that.

Mia Hewett:       I actually coach people through an emotional experience where they can be with any conversation no matter… Like the worst things could be said to them and they never lose their power.

Melinda Wittstock:         Mm-hmm (affirmative). Mm-hmm (affirmative). That’s so true. We tend to be a little bit more empathetic, very relationship focused. But sometimes at the expense of ourselves where we… There’s nothing left for us or we postpone what it is to be truly in our own truth. I see this play out a lot a lot a lot or the way it manifests is this fear of stepping into the light and fulling claiming who you are, just like stepping into it and asking actually for what you want. What is it that stops women from really just kind of going bigger? I mean, when I say go bigger, it’s an interesting phrase that I noticed when we were selling our retreat last year for women with seven, eight, and nine figure businesses. I’d say things like let’s figure out together how we can all play bigger. And there’d be this moment of pure dread in the eyes because like wait a minute I’m already doing this and I’m doing that and doing, doing, doing. I’m like no, it’s not about the doing. It’s about the being.

Melinda Wittstock:         What is it do you think that holds us back from really going big?

Mia Hewett:       It is really in that moment of that ego inception. So let’s say, most people created it between the ages of three and four. I do have some 15 months that they… Someone said at one and 15 months and a year and so forth. But the on average, the majority of people have created that that right there, what you’re speaking about, they actually create it between the ages of three and four is the most common that I get. There are some fives, but a lot of three and fours. And so, it will happen in an experience. Because think about what you’re saying. So here… let me kind of give a little bit of context.

Mia Hewett:       So as a child grows, they grow in trust. The emotional bond they have with that caretaker or their parent or the teacher or whoever it is of authority. That emotional bond grows right by that trust. When something happens in that experience where the trust is broken and they feel and immense shame, like something is wrong with me, that’s when the hiding starts. Right? So now I think, because I don’t know and nobody’s helping me process my emotions. I don’t know how to process my emotions and I’m the person, the child is feeling like wow. Before this experience, like for years, everything was right with me, but there must be something really wrong with me for this to happen because I don’t know how to process this emotion I’m feeling. So I better hide this. I better hide this and never let anyone know about this dirty dark secret. So, I’m going to hide this shameful part of me and so when you ask someone or anyone asks someone, let’s not hide, let’s play the bigness. That part of ourselves that we know we’ve locked away and like locked the key, put it in a box and don’t want anyone to know about it, is what is really being threatened.

Mia Hewett:       So, until we un… like the same thing, right, about everything. How we process. Until we open that box in the most safe environment and literally work through that and release those feelings and process them so that we feel an incredible release, like really release and then we’ve let go of that trap and now we’re going to build from an emotional set point of what it feels like to master fearlessness. Right? Because that’s what I am all about. I love being fearless. And this is funny hearing myself even say this because I remember who I used to be, this completely shy, fearful kid and I am not this as anymore.

Mia Hewett:       I really mean anyone can do this. There’s nothing special about me. I wasn’t one of those people like you hear that was like those amazing successful entrepreneurs since day one. They were selling everything. I never sold anything. I had to overcome all my fear of selling. My mother used to have this vicious reaction to sales people that I internalized to mean I don’t want to be like one of those. She would literally become aggressive and try to attack them. Like yell at them and scream… I remember thinking like oh my God. I don’t want to be one of those people because those people aren’t going to be loved. Right?

Mia Hewett:       So when I tell you all the things that I’ve had to overcome to be the successful entrepreneur that I am, I mean there is a hell of lot of stuff. But when we do, right? When we do and it’s not a journey of time, but just like you said, it’s really the journey of awakening. That’s why I’m known as the awakened entrepreneur because people would say to me after they’ve gone through this experience with me, they go “Oh my gosh. I feel so awake.”

Melinda Wittstock:         Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah.

Mia Hewett:       I feel so awake. So awakening to me is really about mastering fearlessness and really it has more to do with holding a deep respect for life and releasing the judgment of another who views it differently.

Melinda Wittstock:         Mm-hmm (affirmative). Exactly. Yeah. Absolutely right.

Mia Hewett:       Right? Like identifying awakening is a decision to be… Like to identify ourselves with the light that can shine away all darkness. But not by fighting with it but really by recognizing and embracing and then choosing who we really are and then making that our emotional set point.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh gosh. Yes. I mean yes. Everything you just said.

Mia Hewett:       Yes, let’s do it. Let’s kick ass [inaudible 00:41:35].

Melinda Wittstock:         I find that conversations like this are getting easier and easier to have. But, there’s almost like a polarization in society. There are people who really are moving towards consciousness or being awake, as you say, and in the entrepreneurial community and elsewhere, I mean there’s more and more and more of that. So you can have a conversation that would have seemed [woo 00:42:03] and like really almost out there, strange, even a couple of years ago in a Starbucks coffee line.

Mia Hewett:       Yep. I totally agree.

Melinda Wittstock:         And on the other hand, you see people in such fear and so kind of closed down. There’s sort of a polarization.

Mia Hewett:       Mm-hmm (affirmative). The cool thing… yeah, no that’s why I love what you’re saying because it’s so reflective of the universal law of polarity. So the universal law of polarity says that… It’s basically saying that nowhere in this universe exists a half of something. So what does that really mean? That means for up to exist, down must exist. For in to exist, out must exist. For there to be lightness, then there is darkness. For lack to exist, abundance must equally exist at the same moment in time. The key, though, is that it’s not a different moment.

Mia Hewett:       So in the awakening, that polarity is always available. That’s why in any time, there are those people who are in times of turbulent times, are surviving at the same moment there are people who are thriving. It’s not different times. Right? And what was fascinating to me and again, I’ve been in this a long time because I’m 52.

Mia Hewett:       I’ll tell you a conversation I had with Martin Franklin. It changed my… This was like many years ago. Now Martin Franklin is the billionaire who used to own the Jarden Corporation. He sold it to Rubbermaid for about $14.3 billion I think about maybe six years ago or so. So he used to own the conglomerate. Jarden was a conglomerate of Yankee Candle, he used to own Coleman’s grill, it was a conglomerate of companies. So anyway, I remember having this conversation. Here I am and I’m a multi-millionaire. I’m talking to this billionaire and I’m thinking how in the hell… This is when I was still surviving doing it… because you know you can make a lot of money going through survival. You don’t have to… I don’t teach that anymore. I didn’t do the second company that way, I did it all from thriving but you can make a lot of money and do it through complete burnout mode and just a lot of action. Right?

Mia Hewett:       But here I am… So I’m a multi-millionaire. I’m talking to Martin Franklin. This is before I understood any of this. This is before all the coaching and everything that I’ve done to heal this. I was like, “Martin. How in the hell are you doing this? You have 36,000 employees.” At that time I had 15. I’m like how do you get there? If I know what I’m doing, almost killing myself to get here. Like I couldn’t understand it.

Mia Hewett:       Here he is and he says to me, “Mia, I’m not going to lie to you. I don’t have fear.” Now, Melinda I about died. I was like “What do you mean you don’t have fear?” I never heard of it. And by the way, I’d been doing personal development since I was 13. I was reading all these books. So I’m like what do you mean you don’t have fear? There’s an amygdala in the back of our brain, fight, flight or freeze. What are you talking about? I had the science, you know? And he said to me, “I’m not going to lie to you Mia. I don’t have fear. I look at what is there. I accept the critique.” He’s from London. So basically, and I’m going to dissect what he’s really doing because I didn’t understand it when he first said it to me, but now I understand it completely clearly.

Mia Hewett:       So he’s not in a trap of a perception of reality. So he’s not caught in his emotional state that there’s something wrong. Okay? So I’m going to say that because he’s not caught in a trap. So when you’re not in a trap, it’s easy to see reality and not a perception of reality. So he goes, “I just look at what’s there.” Yeah, that would be easy if I wasn’t in a trap. He’s like “I just look at what’s there. I accept the feedback. I take the critique of people seeing what they see, and then I make a decision and I never look back.”

Melinda Wittstock:         Mm-hmm (affirmative). Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Mia Hewett:       Now really hear this. What he taught me was how, not only about fear and a trap and I didn’t even… And how it got me on this journey. But he taught me the power of making a true decision. You see, all those times I thought I had made a decision, I really hadn’t because I had one foot in and one foot out the back door. When Martin makes a decision, he doesn’t allow his mind or his emotions or any other physical part of him, mentally, emotionally, physically, he does not allow anything to go out of alignment with that.

Mia Hewett:       Well, we all know because everybody who’s even listening has known that when they’ve been successful at anything, even the success of learning how to ride a bike, they knew that the reason they were so successful, if they look at it, was because they went all in on it. Every part of them. They didn’t know how they were going to do it, but they knew they were… they got them… I’m just going to do it and then emotionally they got behind it and then physically they pedaled and they did it until they found it. And that’s why they did it. Every success comes from that decision.

Melinda Wittstock:         Absolutely. Absolutely right. You know it’s funny, when we can look back and berate ourselves for decisions we made in the past, but the important thing to always remember is that we did our best with what was available to us at the time. So there’s a certain self-forgiveness and acceptance that’s required.

Mia Hewett:       100%.

Melinda Wittstock:         Then, we can look forward and we can dream and do all these things, but the fact is, and I’m sure you’ve read Eckhart Tolle, but the power is in the now. It’s in the right now.

Mia Hewett:                      Yep, it is.

Melinda Wittstock:         It’s like what we’re doing in this very minute is sending out what our future is going to be and how we show up. Just even with all this coronavirus panic, all the fear that’s around all that stuff, who you going to be? Who do you want to be? What lifts your heart and just be that. I think that’s so important in business. I also just… I’m a serial entrepreneur like you, so this is number five for me. And you know, right? So I’ve done a couple 11 figures and eight figure. You know. Some have really taken off, some have really not. But, along the way I’ve learned that if you want therapy, just become an entrepreneur.

Mia Hewett:                      Right, Melinda.

Melinda Wittstock:         It’s true, right?

Mia Hewett:                      It’s so true. It’s so true.

Melinda Wittstock:         And there’s a humility or a humbleness that comes with it but you have to kind of let your ego… you know, you got to say bye bye a little bit to that ego.

Mia Hewett:       You do. You really do. It’s a lot like modeling. I did that just for a short brief, just to make some money and I remember somebody asking me, a long time ago, oh I want to feel better about myself. I want to get into modeling. I was like that’s the worst profession you could pick because they pick you apart and tell you everything that’s wrong with you. So, entrepreneurism is the same, right? If you think you’re not going to have to look at yourself, don’t pick being an entrepreneur. Right? Because it is literally going to have you face yourself. For you to really thrive as an entrepreneur, you have to do exactly what you just said. You have to check your ego and really be able to really self reflect and really look at what is really going on and so that you can really, like you said, forgive and accept the things that you didn’t see. You just didn’t see them at the time and then put in what you see as now, what there is to put in and then move from that emotional state of really knowing how capable you really are.

Melinda Wittstock:         Mm-hmm (affirmative). That’s beautiful. So, Mia, what’s next in your business? Tell me a little bit about what… little bit more about what you’re doing right now and where the ultimate vision, where it takes you.

Mia Hewett:       Well, I had really… because I’m 52, I was like okay. I really wanted to give this to the world because I made a promise. When I was 13 and my dog died, I remember saying I don’t know how I’m going to figure this out God, but when I do, I’m going to give it to the world. I really am a person who really honors her word. I am… It really matters to me what I say. I don’t say things just to be heard. I really only say what I really believe. So, my integrity is everything. So I really wanted to give it to the world because I said that at 13 years old. I made a promise to God. So, I went to these top people in the industry and had a million followers each, and said “Hey. I’ll give it to you.” You can call it what you want to call it. You can name it yours just give it to the people. Because I’m a person who really enjoys helping people build six and seven figure businesses. That’s my passion because I love that. I can do it in my sleep.

Mia Hewett:       But, I heal trauma. So, I’m a business coach that heals trauma and them helps them build six and seven figure business coaches… I mean, companies and so forth. Because it’s what I love. That’s what I’m most fulfilled in. But I wanted this to… for all people to have access to this. And even though I don’t serve everyone, I just serve entrepreneurs. So, I went to those people and I said it and they kind of laughed at me, and I thought okay. I wasn’t planning on me being the one to bring it, to be honest with you. I just was going to go along and do the things I always… you know what I’m doing.

Mia Hewett:       So, then it caused me to rethink my mission. So what I did is I made a decision that I would work with… you know before I die. I figured I have 30 years, that I put in. My mission is to work with 5000 business owners who can then help their 5000 business owners or their people whatever their people are, because I help all business owners. So they not necessarily helping other business owners, they’re helping people. So if I help 5000 and those people go on and help 5000, that before I die I’ve impacted 25 million people. I feel like that’s a good enough mission statement.

Mia Hewett:       So that is really what I’m all about playing for. Really I know it sounds cliché, but the joy really is in the journey. Accumulation without fulfillment is empty and meaningless. I’ve already done that. I don’t really care about accumulating a lot of things anymore. It’s really about helping people and giving back and a lot of my friends, I have wealthy friends. I do know some really amazing billionaires that are amazing. They’re like, “Mia. Why are you going to put yourself out there?” My ad pisses people off. Right? I tell people the truth. Here I was, this multi-millionaire person. Had all this and I didn’t feel good enough.

Mia Hewett:       Some people hate me for that. Do you know what I mean? I get hate… I get people who love me and go my God. Your book is the most amazing book I’ve ever read, and then I have people who hate me like you’re a narcissist. How can you not be happy with all that money? But that’s not my mission. My mission is to help people who feel that way, and I cannot lie. So even though it’s not what people want to hear, so I have some wealthy friends who said why would you put yourself out there for all that scrutiny? Like why would you risk being judged and everything. The truth is I don’t really mind… I care more about my integrity and my word than about what people think about me.

Mia Hewett:       I’m not going to… I’m not here to please everybody. I’m here to tell people the truth that those are the people who are looking for it. Because that’s all I ever wanted, Melinda. I just wanted the truth. Just tell me the truth. It’s kind of like this is what I feel. I feel like that’s why I wrote that book. Because I wanted the book that I wished somebody would have written and given to me in my 20s. It would have saved me a lot of time. I wanted the book that said let me tell you the game of life. Like, you’re going to be told all these wrong things that you’re going to believe that is right, but I want to tell you the truth. So let me tell you how life really works and how to play the game and then how you really work, mentally, emotionally, physically, and action wise so that you know how to win the game inside of the game of life.

Mia Hewett:       Because it seems so ridiculous to me, and this just could be me… It could be just me. That seems so ridiculous that I would go and come here to earth, like be born, play a game I don’t even know how to win, and then beat myself up my whole life because I didn’t even know the rules of the game. That would be like going into the game of soccer and thinking you’re playing with the rules of football and then beating yourself up, wondering why you can’t win. It just seems pointless. So what’s the point then? So, for me, just for my own mind and my own peace… I just wanted the truth. I wanted the truth and those people who want the truth love what I have to offer because everything I say is only the truth. I never say an opinion, or if I say an opinion I go “this is my opinion.” But I only really speak truth.

Mia Hewett:       I don’t ever say anything that’s not truth because there’s enough noise out there. So, I don’t know, this just feels like hey. I’d like to spend more time with people who just know the truth and can give you that. I mean, I love that. I love knowing the truth. It’s what I’ve always cared about, more than being right.

Melinda Wittstock:         Yeah. Absolutely. Well, my partner and I have a funny phrase that you can be right or you can be rich.

Mia Hewett:       Yes. Isn’t that the case?

Melinda Wittstock:         And it’s true, actually. Right? Because there’s so many people who are just more determined to stick with what they know to make themselves feel right than to open themselves up to the possibility where they may not feel as much in control or whatever. When I say rich, I don’t mean just money rich. I mean-

Mia Hewett:       No, I really get you.

Melinda Wittstock:         I mean like abundance in all areas of your life, like love, happiness, joy, health, you know all of it. Right?

Mia Hewett:       I totally agree.

Melinda Wittstock:         We could just continue this conversation forever, Mia. I just feel like you were saying that you were writing the book that you wish you’d had, I feel the same way about this podcast.

Mia Hewett:       Thank you for doing what you do.

Melinda Wittstock:         So many… Well, thank you for doing what you’re doing. It’s really truly remarkable and inspirational. A message that everybody needs to hear, especially now. I just want to thank you so much for joining us today and I want to make sure that everybody knows how to work with you if they want to hire you. If they need your help or need your book or whatever. How can people best get in touch?

Mia Hewett:       Absolutely. Well, they can always go to my website, for sure. It’s Mia, M-I-A, and then the Hewett is H-E-W-E-T-T, so MiaHewett.com, and then of course, I’ll give you the link where you can give them the access to the free book, because it won’t be free anywhere else but this special link I’m going to give to you. So, they can get my free book for free, download it for free by the link that you give them. But, otherwise, yeah… It’s great. I’m always on social. I’m the one answering everything. I even had all my ads, someone would say… because I answer everyone and I had someone say, when somebody posted, you know she doesn’t answer these. She hires someone. And I’m like, “No, that’s not true.” I do. And the woman apologized. She’s like, “Oh. I thought you didn’t.” I’m like “No. I really do. I’m the one who answers.” I have VAs, don’t get me wrong, that will post the stuff for me, but I am the only one who is talking.

Mia Hewett:       So, I know people are always shocked to hear that, but I really am on the one that’s social. I just don’t get to it until late at night because I don’t do it during the day, so… But, I’m the one talking. It’s always me. It’s not someone else talking for me. So, it’s easy to get in touch with me and I love conversations. So, thank you for this Melinda. It’s been such a pleasure to hang out with someone as cool as you who is just so up to big things, doing amazing things for women in your Wings of Inspired Business. I just so appreciate you and what you’re up to, so thank you so much.

Melinda Wittstock:         Thank you. Mia, thank you for putting on your wings and flying with us today.

Mia Hewett:       I so enjoy you. No, I really mean it. It was such a pleasure.

Mia Hewett
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