428 Sharón Lynn Wyeth: What’s In a Name?

What’s in a name? What if you knew whom to hire based on knowing their first and last names? How to better sell your product or service to each prospect? Or even how to name your company or product to attract the right customers, investors and team members?


I’m Melinda Wittstock and today on Wings of Inspired Business we meet an inspiring entrepreneur who is an expert in what she calls “Nameology”.

Sharon Lynn Wyeth is a naming expert and the founder and creator of Neimology Science – the study of the placement of the letters in a name.  Sharon is a former school teacher who discovered one day as she did seating plans … that she could divine by the children’s names … how they would interact with each other. Her insight proved right and after 15 years of research followed by 3 years of testing in over 70 countries, her skills are used by lawyers in jury trials, human resource departments in hiring, entrepreneurs seeking effective names for new businesses and products – and individuals who wish to know themselves better and maximize their ability to connect with others.

Sharon Lynn Wyeth will be here in a minute – and first if you have a million dollar message waiting to find the right people to hear it, I have a special invitation for you…

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Now back to the inspiring “nameologist” Sharon Lynn Wyeth.

How much do you think you can learn about someone from the spelling of their name? Not their handwriting… the placement of the letters in their name?

According to Sharón Lynn Wyeth, founder of Neimology® Science, you can tell their past experience, their future health concerns, their unique personality traits, their strengths, challenges and even their purpose in life. Sharon says she can tell instantly how a person really thinks, feels and behaves—regardless of what they tell you!

She says Neimology® discovers personality secrets hidden in the placement of the letters within names and can even reveal the first and last impression people remember about us.

Before creating and building a profitable business around  Neimology® Science, Sharón innovated in education, including creation of a drop-out prevention program NBC that then President George H. Bush presented to fifty governors.

Today she assists a variety of Human Resource departments in choosing appropriate candidates to interview. She assists lawyers in how to present cases to judges, and pick their juries; and works with couples and families on how to better communicate with each other to improve their relationships. She also creates names for new business, new products and when people wish to change their name.

She is the author of three books, including the Amazon bestseller, Know the Name; Know the Person and Know the Name; Know How to Connect. Sharón hosts her own radio show, “Know the Name; Know the Genius in You,” on iHeart radio.You may have seen her on Good Day LA, New York City’s Fox News, Good Morning Arizona, and in various other cities on NBC, CBS, & ABC or have heard her interviewed on any one of hundreds of radio shows.

So are you ready to fly with Sharon Lynn Wyeth? I am.

Melinda Wittstock:         Sharón, welcome to WINGS.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Melinda, it is a pleasure to join you.

Melinda Wittstock:         I’m excited to have you on because you do something truly unique. I have to say, I’d never heard of it before, called Neimology, where you can divine a lot about a person by the spelling of their name.

So let’s start by having you explain exactly what it is, how it works, and in what you can get from it.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Well, Neimology science is the study of the placement of the letters in the name. So you learn everything individually, four places. You have the first, a vowel placement, you have the first letter placement, the last letter placement, then all the other letters are considered middle letters.

And then, you learn how they play next to each other. Because if you’re sitting next to somebody you like, you’re probably going to act one way, and if you’re sitting next to somebody you really don’t care for, you might act a different way. So you need to know how the letters interact with each other. And then, based on literally knowing their position and how they interact with each other, you can say the seven reasons that the soul chose to come into this earth, in this incarnation, what it is your soul wants you to learn. You can decide what the personality is of the individual, as I jokingly say, “From the bedroom to the boardroom, you know what somebody is like and what they do like once their name.”

Melinda Wittstock:         My mind is just exploding with just the ideas of how this could be applied in life and in business, I think with kind of HR and with teams. Entrepreneurs always want to figure out how to hire the right people.

First of all, though, let’s dig down into what we can learn about ourselves by our name. I was blown away, Sharón, when I met you at the New Media Summit, which is a summit for podcasters, and you were with a whole bunch of other amazing people auditioning to be on a bunch of podcasts, including my own, and I was really impressed. It wasn’t just because you called me out by name in the middle of your pitch, which was awesome. Thank you. But you told me something that was spot on accurate, that my name suggested, or… Sorry.

That my name showed that I would have problems with my knees, and as it happens, I’ve always had problems with my knees. I was blown away. So take us through that. Maybe my name, we can start with my name, and then go from there.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Okay. So very specifically, the N-D combination in your name is what tells me that you’re going to have challenges with your knees, but your name indicates that you’re very good at manifesting your dreams and what you want to accomplish, that you will always be a great manifestor, that you came to bring more beauty to the planet.

And so, like if there’s a picture crooked on the wall, you’ll walk by and straighten it up, because it just better, that you’ll always notice how people are dressed, or what they’re wearing, if it’s appropriate for the occasion or not. Doesn’t mean you’re going to say anything, but you just notice. You notice what’s beautiful in the world. Okay? It says that you will always be a good listener, that people will come and dump their problems on you. They expect you to give them good advice, and you do.

And then, you’ve always had self-confidence, that you’re highly independent. You have your own style of organization, that you’re based on learning what you’ve learned on morals, ethics, and principles, that that’s how you make your decisions, that you learned from your mistakes, that you can think fast on your feet, and you will always strive to do your best, and that there are times when you get tired of working with all the stubborn people around you. And [crosstalk 00:10:42].

Melinda Wittstock:         Okay. So that’s astonishingly accurate and I think that’s incredible that that comes just from your name. So when you go through your day, Sharón, and everybody you meet, do you get an instant download of you know this person, or do you have to go away and study it and whatnot?

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       No. Once you know Neimology science, everybody would get an instant download the way I teach it. And what happens is somebody gets introduced to you, and I cheat. I literally say, “Oh, how do you spell your name?” And by the time they’re through spelling it, I’m through analyzing it and I know exactly who I’m talking to.

Melinda Wittstock:         So how does this square with something like numerology, where we can tell a lot about ourselves, like our life path number, or these sorts of things? And there’s an element of our names, too, that add up to numbers and whatnot, as well. Do these relate in any way?

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Well, I’m using just letters. Numerology uses numbers and they translate all the letters into numbers. And so, in numerology, you have six positions and each one has a number value of one through nine. Okay?

In Neimology science, you have multiple positions, however many letters are in the name. Every column is one through 26, so you have 26 options, not just nine, and so there’s a lot more breadth and depth to the Neimology system that I’ve created.

Melinda Wittstock:         Absolutely. Okay. So this is what I’m really curious about. How did this come to you?

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Okay, so-

Melinda Wittstock:         What was the “aha” moment?

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       So the short version is that I was in my seventh year of teaching and I was making seating charts before we get to know the kids at the beginning of the year, and my brain started saying, “Hey, don’t put Josh next to Julie together. They’re going to be clowns, but separated okay. Stephanie’s going to be stubborn. Put her on the side so you don’t have to change her seat. Derek’s going to need extra help. Put him up close.” And then, it dawned on me. I thought, “Wait a minute. I don’t know these kids yet,” but this is how my thinking goes once I do know the kids because I attempt to create a very safe seating chart so that kids will learn better.

And so I went back to all the 150 kids I’d be teaching that year and I wrote down my impression from their names, what my brain was telling me. Now, you have to know that my brain is very well trained in patterns because I majored in math in college and I have my masters. Okay?

Melinda Wittstock:         Yeah. There has to be a pattern recognition algorithm going somewhere there between your ears, for sure.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Exactly. So anyway, so I wrote it all down. I put it aside till winter break, and when I looked at it, Melinda, I was astonished at its accuracy.

Now, since I did not grow up in what I consider a safe environment, and that is always my primary interest first for the kids that I teach, I thought, “Wow. If I could know something about these kids from their names, I could make sure that they stay safe in my classroom because I’m not going to put them by the wrong person accidentally.”

So that was my initial motivation because it took me 15 years to discover all the patterns in a name. I teach the entire system in 15 hours.

Melinda Wittstock:         Okay. Let’s see. Let’s pick a name out of the sky here. What can you tell me about, say, Michael Bloomberg?

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Okay. So he just announced his presidency, or run for presidency. So Michael is a manifestor. He’s very inclusive. He likes to include everybody. He doesn’t take directions well. He doesn’t take orders well. He would do better working for himself. Okay?

Melinda Wittstock:         And an entrepreneur all his life.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Yes, and that’s in his name, that he would definitely do better working for himself. In his name, also, it says he does things the hard way, but he does it the hard way to help his memory, because he doesn’t have any memory in his name. So how do you kick in a memory when you don’t have memory letters? Okay? So you do it by doing things the hard way so that it’s so miserable and hard the first time you do it that you go, “Oh, my gosh. I’m not going to do it that way again.” And then, the next time it comes around you improve it so that you’re constantly improving how you do things. But initially you’re going to do them the hard way, because that kicks in the memory.

It also says he has a huge ego. It says that he debates between his mental and his emotional to see which way he should go when making decisions. His name indicates if he trusts his mental over his emotions, he’ll be more accurate. His name also says that he doesn’t like to follow the rules, that he was very well nurtured growing up, that there was some kind of a change factor, addiction. There was some things taught to him when he was growing up that, without getting into details, because I can see what goes on, instead to just say that he made a lot of decisions when he was growing up that he wasn’t going to be like what he was seeing around him.

Melinda Wittstock:         Interesting. So when you do people’s names, say, in a business context, I could see an application here for any entrepreneur, CEO or executive who’s hiring and managing a team.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       I work with HR departments and what they do is they give me the job description and they gave me the names of the applicants and I say which one to hire.

Melinda Wittstock:         My goodness. I know people who use astrology and numerology to do that, as well, and it’s a real game-changer. So not only who to hire, but who should be on a team together, I suppose.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Well-

Melinda Wittstock:         Do you have any data-

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Yes.

Melinda Wittstock:         … on what the results are from doing that?

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Uh-huh (affirmative). I started working with companies approximately eight years ago. So the companies that I’ve worked with five years or more, I asked them recently to give me data, and so everyone has at least a 92% retention rate of the ones that I’ve picked.

Melinda Wittstock:         That’s amazing. And what was the retention rate before? Did they share that with you?

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       I didn’t ask that, but people don’t stick around. Have you noticed how many times people are changing jobs?

Melinda Wittstock:         Yeah. No, that’s true. That’s a very, very high retention rate, so that’s amazing. So what are some of the other applications that you could use it for?

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Well, the HR departments also, when they’re having problems between employees and they want to keep both, but they’re both unhappy because they’re not working well together, they’ve called me into settle what I want to call “settle disputes,” or to arrange what needs to happen so that two people can work together.

For an example, one of them was we had a micromanager and one of the people working for that micromanager was a tech person that did a great job and everybody loved him, but he didn’t want to be micromanaged, and he was ready to quit because of it. So when I looked at the names and I said, “Well, here’s the problem. She’s not getting enough information so she’s clamping down more, and he’s feeling squished and he wants freedom to just go do his job.” So what we arranged was, at the end of every day for five minutes, he would talk into a recording device and say, “This is who I spoke with and this is what’s going on and this is where we are in the project,” and then email it to her. And then, once a week they’d actually have a conversation. But that way, every night, she got an update so that she was more hands off. So there’s different ways of solving different problems.

The other way that I use it as I’ve looked at flow charts and told you where your problems are. Here’s where the system breaks down. But that’s all for HR. Then I work with lawyers in two different capacities. I love working with lawyers. One is helping them pick their juries, because-

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, of course.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       … we work ahead of time on what are you looking for in a jury, and then I can tell you which percentage, as we’re getting the juror’s name, does he meet match our criteria that we’ve already discussed? And then, the other one is, that when you’re presenting a case just to the judge, first of all, a lawyer wants to get paid. So what words or terms does your client need to hear so they know you’re working on their behalf and they’re happy with you even if you lose the case, because there’s no guarantees?

And then, the other one is how to ping the judge so the judge is going to have more sympathy for your client. So for an example, Melinda, let’s say the judge has fairness issues in their name. I wish more of them did. But anyway, let’s say they do, then you would just say something like, “This happened with my client, and how fair is that? And then blah, blah blah. And do you think that’s fair?” You’re going to ping the judge where the judge has the right issues.

Melinda Wittstock:         So I could see this working in sales, as well.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Chapter two in my book is literally how to sell and how to upsell, in my first book. And it’s just in the first vowel of the first name, is where our sales and what causes them to upsell, where that lies.

Melinda Wittstock:         So Sharón, I have to say, you obviously have a unique talent for this, and it’s very intuitive for you. Is it something that’s hard to learn?

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Not for most people because, one, I’m an excellent teacher, because I had all these years in the classroom teaching math and being successful with kids. Okay?

Melinda Wittstock:         Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       And I always asked for the kids that struggled the most because I always want to see them realize that math was easy, because that’s not most people’s belief systems. Okay? And so, for most people it’s very easy. So far, everybody I’ve taught has caught in, caught on really quickly, and they don’t have any problems with it.

There was one lady who asked to learn it and I look at the names, and I said to her, “Bless your heart. I understand you want to learn this, but you have nothing in your name that’s going to help you do this.” And I said, “And I don’t want to take your money knowing that you’re going to struggle and maybe not succeed, because you have nothing in your name that’s going to help you.” And she just really insisted. So, bless her heart, she took level one. There’s three levels depending on what you want to learn, and she took level one three times and level two two times, and we worked together for three years all the time, really consistently. And she learned it, but it was because she was willing to put in extra time and effort.

Melinda Wittstock:         Ah. Yeah, that’s amazing. So I could imagine it really working extremely well for high ticket sales, because basically I guess what you know about somebody’s name would dictate how you approach the sale, I guess, right at the outset. Like are they a good prospect? But, assuming they’re a good prospect, what’s the best way to communicate with them?

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       The answer is yes, and I teach that for corporations, and I literally go through, and in an hour and a half I can show everybody in the room how it works, and then we put them in groups and then they come up with things and I go through it with them to make sure they’ve got it. So it’s a three hour thing altogether. But people get it and apply it, and their sales go up.

I can give you all kinds of stories, Melinda. This one lady, she was a real estate salesperson, but she wanted to switch to cars, and so her mom got her my book for Christmas one year and she read the book. And so she went out, she didn’t know a lot about cars, but anyway, the short of the story is, for five years now, she’s been the number one salesperson in her car company.

Melinda Wittstock:         [crosstalk 00:23:11].

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       And they told her, “Beginner’s luck,” and then second year, “Beginner’s luck.” And she goes, “I just guess I’m the best beginner’s luck person there was.” And everybody started asking her, “What do you know to do that we’re not doing?” She goes, “You think I’m going to share? You’re crazy.”

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, my goodness. So does this also apply to the names of companies?

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Yeah. I think the name of the company that you choose to work for ought to be compatible with your own name because, if not, it’ll drive you crazy and you won’t want to stay.

Melinda Wittstock:         What about for entrepreneurs, though, that are founding companies? Right now, I’m right at the point where, funnily enough, and this always happens, there’s always this really weird synchronicity in my life that the right woman shows up on this podcast at the exact right time. And here’s why. I have created a podcasting network and an audience engagement platform that’s going to transform podcasting. Super, super excited about it, and I’m looking for my name.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       So-

Melinda Wittstock:         And so what would I consider, apart from things like trademarks and domains, and all those kind of good things, but in coming up with a name that’s going to be compatible with me, my team, my mission, my vision, all of that?

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       So I create a lot of names for both businesses and products. Okay? And so I ask for three pieces of information. I say, “What are 10 things that you want everybody to feel and know on a subconscious basis and a conscious basis,” depending on where they are in their own level of consciousness, “about your business when they hear your name? What are 10 adjectives or adverbs?” Then, “What are 10 things that you want in your potential clients? What’s important in your potential clients? Who do you want to attract? 10 things.” And then, “Give me specifically what you’re going to be doing.” And then, with that, I work with people and we come up with the name, because I want to make sure that there’s not any underlying negatives in the name and that you’re literally broadcasting who you are on all levels with your name and, at the same time, you’re attracting the ones you want to be attracted.

Melinda Wittstock:         How extraordinary. So we’re going to have a conversation after this podcast ends. Apart from anything else, I don’t know whether my name suggests that I’m a curious person, but very much so. And it sounds fascinating to me. I’d love to know more.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Your name says that you’re a constant learner.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, yes. That’s true. Well, that’s also true of my numerology, as well, because my life path number is four, which is also a learner. So what I’m fascinated by with all of these modalities, where they start to really align or converge also fascinates me.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Well, what I like about Neimology science is you get the same information that you get from human design, according to the human design people that have taken my classes, and they say it is so much easier. But what I really like is that, when you look at a name, first of all, it’s instant. You get introduced to somebody, you immediately know about them. You don’t have to go back and ask, “What’s your birthday? Where were you born? What time were you born?” You don’t have to go figure out numbers over here. You don’t need the other person’s cooperation. Whatever part of the name they give you, you’re off and running and you’ve got ideas and knowledge about that person.

And what I really like in a name is that it shows you who’s honest with money, who’s not. Who’s a psychopath, who’s not. Who lies and who doesn’t. Who’s trustworthy in different areas? Who’s not? Who’s a thief? Who’s the liars? And you know right away when that person reduces themselves. Who’s got temper problems? Who’s got whatever, and you can decide, “Does this issue that they have, do I want to have to deal with it or not?”

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, how fascinating. Oh, my goodness. And so is this difficult to sell? I’m imagining your own sales process, right? And I guess you could apply this to your own sales process in terms of figuring out the companies that you’re compatible with before you even pitch, I guess, for the business, or accept the business. I can see an application there, but was it hard to persuade people? Did they think it was too “woo woo” when you were first starting out? Is it easier now?

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       I don’t think it was ever any easier or harder than it is now, because you’re constantly introducing people to new ideas. Okay?

Melinda Wittstock:         Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       So-

Melinda Wittstock:         That can be hard because you’re creating a whole new market for something that most people haven’t heard of.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Correct. However, the minute you say, “Okay, give me a name of somebody you know I don’t know and that I couldn’t look up on your website. So give me a name,” and then I’ll say, “Let me tell you about the person.” And everybody’s jaw drops, and then they go, “Oh, tell me more. Bring this one over. Bring that one over.”

Melinda Wittstock:         Ah.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       And so, when I get through proving it, then they’re interested.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, my goodness. Sharón, I would love to have you come and do a training in my community of female entrepreneurs because I think they could all benefit, and everybody would be blown away. So we can talk about-

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       I would love to do that, Melinda. And I’ll tell you, just how you pitch… For an example, in your name, when I pitched you the reason… I wanted to be on your show, and so I looked at adding you to my pitch because you need proof. Okay? You need to see something in action, and you come from the heart. Okay?

Melinda Wittstock:         Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       So it was important to reach you through that way. Okay? So other people-

Melinda Wittstock:         Well, it worked.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Other people, it’s like you’ve got to just be mental with them and you’ve just got to talk facts, and you’ve just got to talk business first, and then connect later. And so knowing how to pitch, that’s just in the first vowel. And knowing whether they come from the heart first and you’ve got to connect and then pitch, or whether they’re coming from the head first and you’ve got to pitch, and then connect. Just that piece can make a difference, because if you’re talking with someone who comes from the headfirst, the minute you say, “Hi, how are you?” You’re already losing them. They’re saying, “Oh, my God. They don’t even know me. They don’t really care about the answer. Just get to the point.” And so the little things like that are so important and so easy to learn.

Melinda Wittstock:         This is amazing. So I can see so many entrepreneurs and corporations… You’ve mentioned all the different use cases for it. So it’s extraordinary. Is this something where, do you do this all yourself, Sharón? Or do you have a team of people? Are you training people? I was just going to say get a certification program so you can scale.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       I have a certification program-

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, you do.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       … and I started it four years ago.

Melinda Wittstock:         Fantastic.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       And the people that started with me four years ago are doing this sometimes better than I do it because I have paper things to say about people and they go through the whole pattern and they don’t skip anything.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, I see. So that’s fantastic. And so how fast has your business grown?

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Well, I was just doing it as a hobby until a year and a half ago. And so now, in a year and a half, instead of just being a slight income, an extra $500 a month, because I was still in schools and teaching, and it was just a hobby. Now, it’s totally my support system. It’s totally supporting me and I’m earning twice a month what I was when I was teaching in a year and a half.

Melinda Wittstock:         So it can only grow and grow bigger. I could see, yeah, again, you’ve got so many different applications. And it’s good you got that certification program, so you’re already thinking about scaling. What are some of the challenges you have on the business side?

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Well-

Melinda Wittstock:         … because we all have them. No matter what stage, I’m on business number five and some of them grow really quickly. There’s a serendipity about them. Other ones are a little bit harder, but we all have different things that sometimes come out of the blue, or sometimes they’re just something that we’re working on, it’s part of our life path to try and figure it out. What are some of yours?

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Well, some of it may sound absolutely silly to most people, but I was in education for so many years. I’ve been a high school principal, I’ve been in central office. I know school business inside and out and teaching. Okay? However, that is so not really applicable to business, because in business you have to have a business license, you have to have lawyers involved, you have to have an LLC or an S Corp or a C Corp and you’ve got to know the difference to know which one you want. And there’s this list of 12 things that you need in able to really start a business and protect yourself legally that you would never do as a teacher or a school administrator. And then there’s, as a school administrator and a teacher, your clients, in essence, the students, just show up. You don’t have to go get them.

Melinda Wittstock:         Well, yeah. That’s the toughest part of business, especially when you’re creating something new and you have to educate a market and you’ve got to create, in essence, your own market and grow that. So not only going out there and getting prospects, but then you have to have enough time and resources to be able to serve them, and that kind of chicken and egg. Did you ever get stuck at that point?

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       No, because I always had multiple coaches. I have paid big bucks for really good coaches and I usually was working with two coaches every year. I even started that when I realized I was toward the end of my education career. I started with coaches. “What do you do? How do you do it? What does this look like? How do I need to set this up?” And that’s why I really think it’s so important to hire a coach that’s done what you want to do.

Melinda Wittstock:         It’s vital. I never really started to succeed in business until I made sure that I had mentors and coaches who had done successfully what I was seeking to do myself. There’s no other way. Especially when you’re in business, it can be quite lonely, so you need people around you who get your vision and, and really, really want to see you succeed. Right?

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       [crosstalk 00:33:34].

Melinda Wittstock:         And aren’t going to say… Because there’s a lot of people, they may be well meaning, they may be in your family and they may say things like, “Oh, don’t take that risk,” or, “Don’t do that,” or, “That’s crazy,” or whatever, right? And if we listen to them, they may be well-meaning, but we’re listening to their fears rather than our own vision. So staying true to that can be tough for some. How do you navigate all that?

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Well, I just think you trust your instincts. And Melinda, I’ve been a meditator since I was 18, and so-

Melinda Wittstock:         Ah, wonderful.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       … I really feel that I’ve got to trust what I feel in those meditations or what seems to appear to me to be the obvious, after meditating, regardless of what everybody says and if I make a mistake, and then I’ll learn from it. But I really trust that communication simply because it’s been ongoing for so many years.

Melinda Wittstock:         How beautiful. So Sharón, how can people find you and work with you? I can just imagine all the people listening to this podcast are like, “Oh, my God. Yes. That’s a no brainer. Yes. It makes sense.” And I’m certainly going to connect with you after this.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Yes.

Melinda Wittstock:         What’s the best way?

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       The best way is to go to knowthename.com, and then go to the services page, and at the very top it says “schedule,” and you will see that the prices are incredibly reasonable. Everybody I’ve trained says, “Would you please raise your prices? Because you should be charging more than us and we’re all charging more than you.” And they’re [crosstalk 00:35:02].

Melinda Wittstock:         Yeah. This is something we talk about often on the podcast, that women tend to underprice and over-deliver. All of us. I know I’ve been guilty of that in the past. I’m getting better, and my partner is like, “Oh, my goodness. Can you just add a zero for God’s sake?”

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Well, I look at it that I would like to be affordable for people so that they can use this and see what it’s like. And right now, because of the time of the year it is, I have a special offer that I’ll probably never do again, but anyway, and it’s really for the same price as paying me for three and a half hours. You can fly in, I’ll pick you up at the airport. You get to stay at my cabin in the woods. I will feed you and you get all of my time until you fly out the following day.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, how wonderful. A VIP day.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       And we work on anything you want, and it’s for the same price as what you would normally pay for me for three and a half hours.

Melinda Wittstock:         Gosh. That’s-

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       So it’s under $500. It’s under.

Melinda Wittstock:         Really? Okay, Sharón. So I’m going to be following up with you to ask you to raise your prices.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       And the reason I did it was, one, I had a friend ask and I wanted to make it affordable for that friend. And then, I had this lightning that hit the tree, that hit the house, and I’ve had no electricity for a month, or whatnot. And literally, within the last six weeks, every single appliance in the house, from the hot water heater to the clothes dryer to the, you name it, to the refrigerator and freezer, everything has broken down.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, my goodness. So-

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       So I-

Melinda Wittstock:         So I guess there’s an opportunity in that. You need new things.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       I need to replace every single appliance. And consequently, I thought, “How can I do this quickly and, at the same time, serve my community with an outstanding deal?” And so it’s literally, I thought, “This is a win-win. Come see me for two days, pay me less than $500. And if enough people choose to do that, I can replace my appliances.”

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, phenomenal. Okay, well, everybody, Sharón needs new appliances, so let’s get on it.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       That’s right. And you’ll never get this offer again at this price.

Melinda Wittstock:         Well, thank you so much for putting on your wings and flying with us. This is one of the most intriguing interviews. I think what you’re doing is really, really just fantastic and phenomenal. So thank you, Sharón.

Sharón Lynn Wyeth:       Oh, my pleasure, Melinda. Glad to join you.

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